Folic Acid Saves Baby's Life

A baby boy almost died, before doctors realized all he needed was folic acid.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2009, 10:10 AM

Jan. 23, 3008— -- Cute and healthy, Rosendo Rivera was everything his mother dreamed of.

"He slept, he ate, he gained a lot of weight; he was fine, everything was perfect," says his mother, Mayra Rivera.

But when he was 4 months old, Rosendo's mom got an inkling that something was wrong. First his eyes started to cross -- that was just the beginning.

"He went from laughing, rolling to completely being a baby who couldn't hold his head up. He stopped laughing, rolling, babbling. I said this is like a bad dream. I can't believe this is happening," said Mayra.

Doctors were stumped. Rosendo continued to deteriorate and had up to 60 seizures a day. He was diagnosed with everything from mental retardation to cerebral palsy, and then, something worse: mitochondrial disease, a condition in which the body can't produce energy.

His prognosis: He wouldn't live past his teens.

"I was devastated. I was watching my son deteriorate before my eyes, and there was nothing I could do for him. This cannot be my life, this cannot be my son's life. I was waiting for God to give us a miracle," says Mayra.

By chance, she met Dr. Mary Kay Koenig, who believed Rosendo may have been misdiagnosed, and Mayra got the miracle she had been dreaming of.

"I realized that although he had been tested for a majority of conditions that can cause his symptoms, he had not been tested for cerebral folate deficiency," says Koenig.

In folate deficiency, the body is unable to transport the vitamin folic acid to the brain, resulting in seizures, mobility problems and blindness. Fortunately though, this disease is 100 percent treatable in toddlers with a simple supplement.

In August, Mayra got the news: Rosendo had folate deficiency.

"I was so happy I was crying. I was like, thank you God, my prayers are answered. I knew it was a miracle," says Mayra.

Not only was he not going to die, but he could actually recover. Rosendo has been taking the supplements for four months now, and he has made remarkable strides.