Swallowed Magnets Attract Trouble in Boy's Intestines

One 4-year-old's warning: "Um, don't swallow the magnet."

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 5, 2008, 7:44 AM

Feb. 5, 2008 — -- Boys will be boys and they've been known to swallow everything from dirt to marbles.

In April Braden Eberle swallowed a piece from an old Magnetix toy set.

"He was screaming and crying, saying he'd swallowed the toy," said Jill Eberle, Braden's mother. "It was a piece of the bar, the very end, this magnet piece."

Eberle wasn't too worried, but the next day it happened again.

"I accidentally swallowed the magnet," the 4-year-old told his mom.

"Somehow, some way, he got another piece loose, and I said, 'OK, that's enough,'" Eberle said. "I went to the toy. I didn't find any loose pieces. I didn't find any broken pieces, but I still picked up the toy and put it in a different room. I truly thought that was the end of it."

But that was just the beginning. Braden woke up in the middle of the night with a stomachache.

Eberle took him to Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in Palo Alto, Calif., where Dr. Sanjeev Dutta examined Braden's tender belly, though Braden didn't look or act that sick.

"What caught my attention though was the nature of the thing that was swallowed and that made me very concerned," Dutta said.

Swallowing magnets can be very dangerous. In fact the Consumer Product Safety Commission reports 27 cases of intestinal injuries and one death from ingesting Magnetix magnets alone.

Dutta took an X-ray and saw that the magnets were stuck together not directly but through the walls of two different parts of Braden's intestine.

"This was significantly dangerous," Dutta said. "When you squeeze on the bowel wall, it can perforate and stool can leak out."

Dutta was adamant that the magnets be surgically removed immediately.

"I cried. I couldn't believe it. I never, ever thought it would have stayed in him, ever," Eberle said.

"And that's when the anger came that it was all about a toy," she said.