Wellness Quiz: Test Your Health IQ

Dr. Tim Johnson exposes the truth behind some common health myths.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 17, 2009, 9:13 PM

Feb. 18, 2009 — -- Think you know everything there is to know about diet and exercise? Test your wellness IQ by choosing true or false to the statements below. Then go to the next page to see if you answered correctly. Dr. Tim Johnson explains which is a myth and why.

1. Your muscle turns to fat when you stop working out.

2. You must stretch before exercise.

3. Crunches will flatten your stomach.

4. Drinking alcohol helps you sleep.

5. Skipping meals helps you lose weight.

6. Low-fat food means low-calorie.

7. Diet soda is healthier than regular soda.

8. Liposuction is a way to lose significant weight.

Click here for the answers.

Click here for more wellness myths.