Summer Reading: The Best Books for Your Kids

Summer must-reads from parenting contributor Ann Pleshette-Murphy.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 23, 2010, 2:35 PM

June 24, 2010— -- Summer is here. So if your kids have some time on their hands, "Good Morning America" has a list of fun books to get teens and younger kids excited about reading. With these picks, your kids are sure to want to put their kicks up and enjoy.

These selections are divided into four categories -- dystopian/post-apocalyptic, magic and the supernatural, words and pictures, and kids on the job. And all are perfect for tweens and teens as they enjoy their summer vacations.

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There are several really popular series in this category, which is hot with teens in part because there's a video game quality to the settings and the action scenes, but the world they inhabit -- no matter how futuristic -- is still filled with familiar teen angst and drama.