Myth-Busting: Pet Dangers

Veterinarian Marty Becker separates fact from fiction for furry friends.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 14, 2010, 10:45 AM

Aug. 26, 2010 -- Can chocolate really kill your dog? If your dog chomps down on poinsettias, is it going to be OK?

From old wives tales to internet-based scares, pet owners often find themselves in a fog of half-truths and outright lies when it comes to keeping their animals safe.

Luckily, "America's Veterinarian" Marty Becker dropped by "Good Morning America" today to do a little myth-busting.

Thanks to the Humane Society of New York, two lovable pets, Romeo and Pringles, joined Becker today on "GMA." CLICK HERE to learn more about the Humane Society of New York and how to adopt a pet.

Web Extra: CLICK HERE for some more surprising pet dangers that could be in your home.

Many pet owners think that just one bite of chocolate kill your dog, but the truth is, a large dog would have to eat a lot of milk chocolate to get sick -- more than a couple of pounds.

But even though chocolate is not necessarily deadly, that doesn't mean you should give it out as treats.

"The rule of thumb is, the darker the chocolate, and the smaller the dog, the more dangerous it is," Becker said.

This rumor, which was spread mostly by email, said the chemicals in Swiffer Wet Jet and Febreze could get on the paws of your pet and then become ingested when they lick their paws. The rumor also said that the products contained anti-freeze.

But the truth is neither products are harmful for your furry friend.

The emails circulated so widely that the Animal Poison Control Center of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals looked into the claim and found them perfectly safe.

Especially around the holidays, pet owners are concerned that animals that decide to make a snack out of the festive poinsettias could be eating a deadly plant.

But Becker said that the plant is far from deadly, but could give your pet an upset stomach.

A few years ago some massive recalls of dog and cat food gave pet owners reason to be suspicious of some pet foods. The recurrent outbreak of salmonella in human food recently certainly hasn't helped to ease fears.

But according to Becker, pet food is safe for pets as long as normal precautions are used. Just be sure to keep the area around the food clean and wash your hands thoroughly after feeding your pets.