Gingrich Says There Is a 'Great Possibility' He Will Run for President

The former speaker takes a dim view of the current '08 candidates.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 14, 2007, 7:42 AM

May 14, 2007 — -- Newt Gingrich for president? It could happen.

In an interview with Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America," the former Republican speaker of the House said there was a "great possibility" that he would run for president.

He will make that decision sometime in the fall. Sawyer noted that previously Gingrich had only said he was "thinking about" a run for president.

"You said you'll make a decision at the end of the September,{is it} more likely, less likely this morning? Sawyer asked Gingrich.

"I think right now, it is a great possibility," Gingrich said.

"A great possibility you'll run? Sawyer asked. But Gingrich declined to elaborate.

"I don't want to get into all this stuff," Gingrich said. "I want to focus on what we have to do to make America successsful."

Gingrich was visiting "GMA" to talk about his new book, "Pearl Harbor: A Novel of December the 8th," which he co-wrote with William Forstchen.

But Gingrich took time to assess the field of declared candidates and said he wasn't happy with the current contenders.

He also expressed dissatisfaction with the current process of selecting a president, comparing it to the process of selecting the next "American Idol."

"We're in this virtually irrational process," he said. "It's exactly wrong as a way of choosing a national leader."

Gingrich said Republican candidates needed to champion large-scale reforms.

"I think unless a Republican who is nominated is committed to fundamental change in Washington they will certainly lose the election," he said.

According to Gingrich, Republicans need to realize that Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has a good chance of winning the White House if she gets her party's nomination.

"They are very effective at raking on their opponents," he said of the Clintons. "I think she has a very good chance to win the presidency."

Polls show that the Iraq War is a big undertow for Republicans. Gingrich said as far back as 2003 that Bush had "gone off a cliff" with the Iraq War. Gingrich believes the United States should get out of Iraq as soon as possible.

"I think we have to turn over policing responsibility for the Iraqis as rapidly as possible," he said. "Pull our troops out as rapidly as possible."

A Newsweek poll has every Democratic front-runner beating every leading Republican: Clinton edges out former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani by three points. Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards beats Arizona Sen. John McCain by 10 points, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney by 37. Illinois Sen. Barack Obama prevails over McCain by 13 points.

Republicans also appear to be hitting other potholes on the presidential path. Conservatives are wary of Giuliani's staunch support of abortion rights, while McCain is seen by some as unreliable on other conservative issues, such as immigration.