Pa. Couple Exemplifies Election Gender Gap

Are women more likely to be Democrats and men more likely to be Republican?

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 31, 2008, 8:05 AM

Oct. 31, 2008 — -- Before even entering, passersby can tell that the Grandinetti house in Mt. Lebanon, Pa., is a divided one. Signs dotting the front lawn proclaim support for both John McCain and Barack Obama.

"We are the Grand Canyon of differences here," Nick Grandinetti said of his wife, Donna, and him. "There is no common ground that I can think of [that] Donna and I have in this election."

Nick Grandinetti supports McCain and Donna Grandinetti supports Obama.

The Grandinettis illustrate a national trend: Women are more likely to be Democratic and men are more likely to be Republican.

If only the votes of women were counted in 2004, John Kerry would have been elected. According to recent polls, Obama holds a 12-point lead over McCain among women compared to a four-point lead among men.

"Terrorism is the No. 1 issue for me," Nick Grandinetti said. "I don't see anything that gives me confidence that Barack Obama could deal with that situation."

His wife disagrees.

"Of course he can," she said. "To me, McCain is a loose cannon and I am more scared with him than I ever would be with Barack Obama."

Her husband said that Obama supporters are "emotional."

"The whole idea that he has run this campaign through flowery words and hope and change," he said. "I think that feeds a certain part of population that they feel good about the person they are voting for, that they care about them. I think with Donna and her vote and belief in this man, it's certainly more emotional than my belief in McCain and [Sarah] Palin."

"I will get grief for what I am going to say. Sarah Palin helped bring me more to John McCain because I see in her what I believe the Republican Party should be. I don't see that with John McCain."

But Donna Grandinetti is concerned about what she sees as Palin's inability to deal with terrorism should she become president.

"Heaven help us," she said.

The couple's 16-year-old daughter, Annie, sides with her father.

"It hurts me very much," Donna Grandinetti said jokingly. "It's heartbreaking."