Holiday Cookie Face-Off: Chocolate Crinkles

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 12, 2005, 6:57 AM

— -- Besides good cheer and presents beneath the tree, people share food during the holidays -- especially sweets. Cookies often are a favorite snack, especially considering that St. Nick is a cookie fanatic. Gourmet's Sara Moulton came to "GMA" to share some of the magazine's favorite cookie recipes. Now you can vote for your favorite online. The winner will be announced on Tuesday's show.

Prep time: 30 minutes, start to finish: 31/4 hours (including chilling time)

To make ahead: The cookies will keep in an airtight container for up to three days or in the freezer for up to two months. Sprinkle with fresh confectioners' sugar after thawing.

Ease of preparation: moderate.

Very dark and chocolate, these sugar-coated rounds are remarkably low in fat -- a mere two grams per cookie. A tin of Chocolate Crinkles is the perfect gift for the chocoholic who is trying to cut back on fat.

Sift flour, 11/2 cups confectioners' sugar, cocoa, baking powder and salt together into a large bowl.
Combine chocolate and oil in a heavy medium saucepan; warm over very low heat, stirring frequently, until just melted and smooth; be very careful that the chocolate does not scorch. Remove from the heat and let cool slightly. Stir in brown sugar, corn syrup and vanilla until well blended. Using a whisk, beat egg whites into the chocolate mixture until no lumps of brown sugar remain. With a wooden spoon, gently stir the chocolate mixture into the dry ingredients just until smooth. Cover the dough and refrigerate until firm enough to shape into balls, at least 21/2 hours and up to eight hours.
Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat several baking sheets with cooking spray.
Put the remaining one cup confectioners' sugar in a shallow bowl. Dusting your hands with additional confectioners' sugar, roll portions of dough into one-inch balls between your palms. Dredge each ball in confectioners' sugar until heavily coated. Place the balls on baking sheets, about 11/2 inches apart. Bake the cookies, one sheet at a time, until the tops are almost firm when tapped, eight to ten minutes. Cool for two minutes on the baking sheets, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely. makes about four dozen cookies. per cookie: 96 calories; 2 g fat (1 g sat, 1 g mono); 0 mg cholesterol; 19 g carbohydrate; 1 g protein; 1 g fiber; 40 mg sodium.