How to Handle a Nasty Boss

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 31, 2006, 1:48 PM

April 3, 2006 — -- Even though supermodel Naomi Campbell's arrest in New York last week for allegedly flinging her BlackBerry at her housekeeper's head is an extreme example of workplace anger, it serves as a reminder of the bully bosses that many people endure daily. You can put an end to the aggression if you're willing to take action for yourself. Consider these scenarios and suggested responses:

The Tosser

If your boss throws things around the office when he's angry and frustrated, you should get out of the way! In all seriousness, it's not every day that bosses throw things at their employees, so the accusations against Campbell shouldn't cause the rest of us to run for cover. If your boss can be violent on occasion, such as smashing things against a wall, walk away and refuse to engage in such tantrums.

If you're worried for your safety, report this to human resources. Be clear about when this occurred, any witnesses and other details that might be relevant. Employers take workplace violence very seriously, so your complaints are no laughing matter.

The Silent One

Another form of aggression is the passive kind. Your boss gives you the silent treatment, rarely saying hello in the hallway and never responding to your e-mails or questions.

In such a case, approach him directly and clearly, and avoid asking yes or no questions. Don't make accusations that would put him on the defensive.

Wrong approach: "You never respond to me. You always ignore me. What's up with that?" You won't get a resolution with this method because it enables him to blow you off by saying, "Nothing is up. Now go away."

A smart approach would be along these lines: "I'd like to schedule a time to exchange notes on several projects or issues. What would be the best time for you?"

You can also request feedback on the best method for communicating. "Since I value your feedback and direction, I'd like to know the best way for us to communicate. Would you prefer e-mail, phone or brief in-person meetings?"