Latest YouTube Offering: Beauty Secrets

Amateur makeup artists use video-sharing site to share tricks and tips.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2009, 2:41 PM

July 12, 2007 — -- In yet another YouTube trend, women from all walks of life are sharing their personal beauty tips on the popular video Web site.

"We at YouTube were amazed by the fact that people are building audiences around cosmetics and beauty tips," said YouTube spokeswoman Julie Supan.

Supan says thousands of viewers are logging on to watch regular women put on mascara, tweeze their eyebrows and line their lips.

"Some of the videos like amy04 are getting 25,000 views. This is a significant amount," Supan said.

It seems women are looking for up-close-and-personal makeup how-tos from the privacy of their own homes.

Tricia Sawyer, a makeup artist to stars like Sharon Stone and Lindsay Lohan, offers her tricks of the trade, such as this tip for eyebrows: "Sometimes I will fill them in first before I will tweeze, and that will just give me a better idea of where I'm going to tweeze, especially if you're lacking in eyebrows."

But don't think you need a big name to get a big following.

Alabama mother Sherry Walker, whose screen name is TallMomof3, tapes her makeup tips in her bedroom while her kids play in the backyard.

"If my husband walked in right now, he'd be like, 'What are you doing?'" she said.

But Walker says she likes her "small-time" productions.

"Being able to do it at home with my little Mother's Day camera," she said, "I really enjoy that, not having a whole lot of hoopla with it."

Some in this cyberbeauty world are aiming for the big time. But TallMomof3 has already found her joy.

"Oh, I'm just a makeup addict," Walker said. "I love it and I just wanted to help other people. It makes me feel good."