Butterball 'Turkey Talker' Answers Thanksgiving Questions

Butterball's turkey hotline deals with turkey cooking questions.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 24, 2010, 5:08 PM

Nov. 24, 2010— -- More than 45 million turkeys will be cooked this Thanksgiving, which means there will be 45 million possible cooking mistakes in kitchens across the country.

Butterball is doing its part to help solve difficult turkey situations with the Butterball Turkey Hotline, a phone line set up each year with 50 trained "turkey talkers" waiting to take your questions about the best way to prepare a show-stopping bird.

ABC's "World News Now" spoke with Marge Klindera, who has been talking turkey on the hotline for over 28 years, about avoiding common turkey mistakes.

What is the number one problem faced by first-time turkey cooks? Thawing.

"Most people don't allow enough time and then they get panicked about cooking their bird," said Kildera.

"You can always leave it in the bag, immerse it in cool water and then for each pound it takes 30 minutes. You can do a combination: Start it in the refrigerator then put it in cold water, put it back in the refrigerator."

Another common issue with roasting a turkey is getting the skin an even, golden caramel color.

"The method we feel gives you those best results is what we call the open pan method, where you put the turkey on a flat rack in a shallow pan and put it in a 325 degree oven. And roast it about two-thirds of the way through and then put a little tent of foil over the breast. That will give you a nice, juicy, tender turkey and one that looks beautiful."

For more tips, advice and guidance on cooking your turkey this Thanksgiving, call the Butterball experts at 1-800-BUTTERBALL or visit their website.