Five Years In: Ambassador, Troops Speak

Military, diplomats and Iraqs shows 'GMAW' where things stand in Iraq.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2009, 2:40 PM

Mar. 15, 2008— -- It has been almost five years since a coalition of armed forced led by the United States invaded Iraq. Since then, seemingly everything planned for at the outset of the war has now changed: the mission, the strategy, the allies, the enemies, the budgets and the lives of millions of military families.

"Good Morning America Weekend" is hosting special coverage live from Camp Victory in Baghdad this weekend to find out where things stand since 2003. They spoke with the military, the diplomats, the families, the wounded and many more.

Currently, U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker, who is trying desperately to get the shattered nation back together, is calling for Americans to exercise "strategic patience." Meanwhile for Iraqis in Baghdad trying to get on with their lives, there are signs of improvement amidst the devastation on the streets.

It is well documented that the initial planning for this war was a disaster, and just over a year ago, leaders tried a last ditch desperate effort: a surge of 30,000 additional troops.

Here's a quick look at the numbers since the first month of the surge: