News You Missed: Sausage Stylus, Misspelled Money

Koreans use sausage as a stylus with iPhones while wearing winter gloves.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 20, 2010, 7:52 AM

Feb. 20, 2010— -- You know what time it is. It's time for another edition of the News You Missed!

We begin with a very special birthday shout-out to Flossie Dickey of Airway Heights, Wash., who turned 104 years young this week. Born in the Teddy Roosevelt administration, who better to inspire us with a few words of hard-earned wisdom? When asked how she felt, Flossie said, "I'm so tired. I know I might look great, but I'm so tired."

Speaking of elder achievement, over in Malden, Mass., a woman happened to be chatting with a convenience store clerk when a robber came behind the counter to menace the clerk. The older lady leapt into action, used the cash register scanner as a weapon and began swinging at the robber. Luckily, her efforts paid off and the man was caught. So, to all you evil-doers out there, let this be a warning to you: Granny is out there.

If we've learned anything this winter, it's that touch-screen phones are impossible to operate while wearing gloves. And you can't use a stylus writing utensil because the screen doesn't recognize metal or plastic. Thankfully, South Korean iPhone users came up with a solution ... using sausages! Because they're electrostatically compatible, you can tap away with your "meat stylus" while your hands stay toasty. Best part? After hitting send, you can enjoy a delicious snack!

Maybe Chilean engraver Pedro Urzua Lizana can blame an unwieldy wiener for one of history's great typo's. He was fired in December after the Chilean mint released more than a million 50-peso coins with the name of the country misspelled as "Chiie." Lizana claims his bosses knew about the error but took a chance that no one would notice.

Did you get any good Valentines this year? Bet it doesn't compare to this one. In Albert Lea, Minn., farmer Bruce Andersland expressed his love for his wife by making a giant heart in the snow, using manure. Before you scoff, Bruce and his wife, Beth, have been married for 37 years.

And finally, even after Dexter Blanch was accidentally shot by his beagle, he didn't lose his love for dogs. In fact, the Louisiana man was inspired to come up with a humane alternative for spaying and neutering. Behold, the doggie chastity belt. It's fairly self-explanatory and is so revolutionary, Dexter says he's been approached by a man in Turkey asking if he can create a chastity belt for camels.

And there you have it. Tune in next time!