2 sets of twins born to moms with double uterus delivered at same hospital

Shellie Pascoe and Kelsey Hatcher each had "1 in a million" pregnancies.

April 26, 2024, 11:15 AM

An Alabama in hospital has helped deliver twins born in a "one in a million" pregnancy, for the second time.

Shellie Pascoe, 29, gave birth in March to a healthy boy and girl, twins whom she carried in two uteruses.

Pascoe told "Good Morning America" she learned while trying to become pregnant that she was born with uterine didelphys, or double uterus, a rare condition in which a woman is born with two uteruses and two cervixes.

"We first found out that I had two uteruses is when we had our first miscarriage about a year-and-a-half ago," Pascoe said, referring to herself and her husband, John. "From that point on, you know, we were told that it might be very difficult to get me to get pregnant and also to carry the pregnancy."

After experiencing a second miscarriage, Pascoe became pregnant for a third time and learned in the first ultrasound appointment of the pregnancy that she was carrying twins.

"I remember the ultrasound technician kind of doing a double-take," Pascoe said. "We were all shocked."

Shellie Pascoe, who was born with a double uterus, gave birth to twins.
University of Alabama at Birmingham

"We were just praying for healthy heartbeat, and, you know, we got that two-fold and we just felt so grateful," John added.

Only around .3% of women are born with a double uterus, research shows.

The odds of not only having a double uterus but also carrying a fetus in each are about "1 in a million," Dr. Richard Davis, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and maternal-fetal medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, previously told "GMA."

Pascoe gave birth to her twins on March 6 at the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Women & Infants Center.

Shellie Pascoe, who was born with a double uterus, gave birth to twins.
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The twins, named Kamden and Kaylee, were born two minutes apart via C-section, with each weighing over six pounds at birth.

Shellie Pascoe, who was born with a double uterus, gave birth to twins.
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The University of Alabama at Birmingham's Women & Infants Center is the same hospital where, last December, Kelsey Hatcher gave birth to twin daughters whom she carried in each of her uteruses during pregnancy.

Like Pascoe, Hatcher was born with a double uterus and discovered during an ultrasound that she was carrying twins, with one in each uterus.

Kelsey and Caleb Hatcher, of Alabama, are soon to be the parents of five children.
cjshaverphoto, LLC

Unlike Pascoe, Hatcher had already given birth to three children, each a single baby she carried in one uterus.

When she discovered she was pregnant with twins through a "1 in a million pregnancy," Hatcher recalled having no one to whom she could reach out.

"When I first found out, I was like, 'I wonder if there's anybody I can reach out to just to, you know, see what their experiences were,'" Hatcher told "GMA" during her pregnancy. "But I think I've only read of two other cases [in which] they've had [pregnancies] in completely separate uteruses, and no one that I've been able to reach out to."

At the time that Hatcher gave birth, none of the medical staff at the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Women & Infants Center had ever cared for a patient carrying two pregnancies in two uteruses.

Kelsey Hatcher, and her husband, Caleb, holds twin daughters, Dec. 21, 2023, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Andrea Mabry/University of Alabama at Birmingham/AFP via Getty Images

Now, the hospital has connected Hatcher and Pascoe, who live just hours apart and told "GMA" the two moms are becoming fast friends.

"It was a really wonderful experience," Pascoe said of her pregnancy and delivery.

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