Arrest Made in Toe Typing Home Invasion

Left tied to bed, Amy Windom used her toes to type to boyfriend.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 5, 2010, 7:18 AM

Aug. 5, 2010— -- Police made an arrest today in the case of an Atlanta woman who said she was tied to her bed by a masked intruder, but was able to summon help using her toes to type messages to her boyfriend.

Dontavius Jackson, 17, was arrested after the victim identified him in a lineup late Wednesday night, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The suspect was charged with armed robbery, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, burglary and possession of a firearm firearm while committing a crime.

Amy Windom, 39, was sound asleep when the armed robber broke into her home Tuesday around midnight.

"For the next hour he was in my house," she told "Good Morning America." "He, at one point, had me dragged through the house to find all my valuables."

But when the intruder, wearing a ski mask, hit her in the forehead with his handgun and used shoelaces to tie her hands to the corners of her bed, she found herself defenseless -- until she realized she might be able to reach her laptop.

The intruder took off with her cell phone, her iPod and her car but left her laptop behind. Still tied to the headboard, Windom managed to reach the laptop with her feet and, using a power cord between her toes, instant messaged her boyfriend for help.

"I pulled the comforter over and then dragged the laptop over with my feet," she said. "I was able to pry it open."

Hitting a snag when she needed to hit the Control, Alt and Delete buttons to get her computer started, Windom made a few missed attempts, before realizing that she could hit Control and Alt with her right toes and the power cord between her left toes to hit Delete.

She was able to instant message boyfriend John Hilton shortly after.

"CALL 911 POLICE," she wrote.

Hilton's response: "Crap."

"I'M HOME TIED TO BEED (sic) ROB," she wrote back.

"First thing I got was help in capital letters. Then, 'Call the police,'" Hilton said. "I was in shock. I couldn't believe it."

Click here to read the instant messages sent between Amanda Windom and her boyfriend, John Hilton.