'Dear GMA' Entry: Are You Our Next Advice Guru?

Check out one of your entries considered for the job of "GMA" advice guru.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 11, 2010, 2:56 PM

— -- "Good Morning America" is launching a nationwide search for a 21st century Advice Guru.

This is a full time, on-air position at "GMA." You could sit next to George and Robin and be a part of the "GMA" Team!

Over the next few weeks, we'll be featuring some of your entries on the website.

Check out this one from Megan Hacker of South Lebanon, Ohio.

What's the best advice you have ever given? What was the result?

My cousin was dating a man for the past few years who kept giving her the run-around.He would get close to her and her kids when he felt like he was being the "hero" but thenwould back away when the acclaim faded. Knowing that the only two people who knowwhat a relationship is like behind closed doors are the two people in the relationship, I washesitant to give her advice. It's her life and who am I to tell her what to do. So whenasked, I asked her a simple question. "Is how you are being treated by him the way youwould want Jessica (her daughter) to be treated." Her answer of course was "no" and so Ithen asked her, "then why is it okay for you?" After that I think things were put intoperspective for her. She was able to have the strength to put that relationship behind herafter she thought of the example she was setting for her daughter. Sometimes its easierto be strong for someone we love than for ourselves. I was proud of this advice because Ididn't tell her what to, even though I wanted to, and she came to the conclusion I washoping she would get to on her own.

What would you tell his person: "Whenever there is an issue between my mother-in-law and me, my husband refuses to stand up for me. How do I get him to value our relationship more than the one with his mother?

First of all, I don't think you should be trying to get your husband to value you more thanhis mother. This shouldn't be a competition. There should be enough room in his heart tolove both of you, in different ways. A mother and child have a special bond that is uniquefrom that of a husband and wife. If he feels that you are trying to drive a wedge betweenhim and his mother, it may bring up that protective son instinct. Instead, I would try toleave him out of any issues you are having with his mother. You are both adults andshould be able to work things out on your own. When it comes to the mother, try yourbest to see things from her point of view. No matter how old he gets, this is still her babyand you, in a way, have taken him away. Try being forward with her and saying exactlythat. That you know it must be hard for her and that you are open to talking about anyissues she might have with you, but out of respect for her son, you'd like to be able towork things out without involving him. If she is still being unreasonable, at least yourhusband will have seen how mature you are being and how much you are trying to have arelationship with his mother. This should do nothing but help him to have more admirationand respect for you.

What would you tell this person: "While cleaning my son's room, I accidentally saw on his Facebook page threatening remarks from his friends. I fear he's being bullied. What should I do?"

Ask him! He is your child and if you think something is happening that could hurt him,don't let it keep building. He may be mad at you for seeing his "private" comments but youshould be able to be honest about how you saw them. Its not as if you broke into hisapartment and got on his computer. This is a room in your house and you have everyright to be looking at comments that are up on a computer screen that you most likelybought. The small amount of resentment he will have for you seeing his Facebook pagewill be nothing in comparison to the relief he will feel if he is finally able to tell someonehe's being bullied. Open communication is key. If he denies any bullying, then ask whatthose comments were about. Let him know how much you love him and that you areconcerned about him. Then make him clean his own room. If he is old enough to have aFacebook page, he is old enough to clean up after himself.