'Dear GMA' Entry: Are You Our Next Advice Guru?

Check out one of your entries considered for the job of "GMA" advice guru.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 12, 2010, 10:42 PM

Oct. 12, 2010 -- "Good Morning America" is launching a nationwide search for a 21st century Advice Guru.

This is a full time, on-air position at "GMA." You could sit next to George and Robin and be a part of the "GMA" Team!

Over the next few weeks, we'll be featuring some of your entries on the website.

Check out this one from Olivia Templeton of North Las Vegas, Nevada.

What's the best advice you have ever given? What was the result?

I think the best advice I've ever given was to give no advice at all. Sometimes there arethose situations where someone just wants you to listen to them. Deep within themselves,they already know what they need to do, they just need to get their thoughts out there.And sometimes, instead of advice, a troubled person just needs to know that they haveyour support, no matter what decision they make and that the only person who theyshould be listening to is themselves. I've had to deal with my grown children in both ofthese ways. It's hard but sometimes no matter how much you might want to help with youradvice, there are situations where it's better not to say anything at all and just be there forthem.

What would you tell his person: "Whenever there is an issue between my mother-in-law and me, my husband refuses to stand up for me. How do I get him to value our relationship more than the one with his mother?

I would tell this person that she should not be expecting her husband to take sides.Because the relationship he has with his mom is on a different level than their maritalrelationship. They should not be competitive or compared with each other. Plus morethan likely, the husband probably doesn't want to get stuck in the middle of their battles.No matter what side he takes, someone will be angry with him. And he really shouldn'thave to be put in that position. What HE NEEDS to do, is to sit both his wife and motherdown together and calmly tell them that he loves them both but he will not tolerate anydemeaning comments from either one towards the other any longer. If they have nothingnice to say about each other, don't say anything at all and that each is to mind their ownbusiness. He also needs to explain that he will make time for both, more time of course forhis family, especially if there are children and that they will come first, unless of anemergency, but he will also make time in his schedule to help his mom with tasks, choresor errands that she may need his help with. The wife and mother both need to understandthat each of them has a place in his life and he needs to make it very clear to his mom thathe is married now and that his wife and children are now his immediate family and theyhave priority in his life and she needs to accept that and the wife needs to accept the factthat he will be making time his mother as well. If the mother and wife can't accept theseterms, then it is just too bad for either one. That's the way it's going to be, take it or leaveit. Hopefully that will be the end of that!

What would you tell this person: "While cleaning my son's room, I accidentally saw on his Facebook page threatening remarks from his friends. I fear he's being bullied. What should I do?"