Dessert Chef Alice Medrich's Recipe for Grilled Chocolate Sandwiches

New recipe out of dessert chef Alice Medrich's latest cookbook.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 4, 2012, 4:57 PM

June 04, 2012— -- The only thing better than a chocolate dessert is a chocolate dessert that is easy to make.

In her new cookbook, "Sinfully Easy Delicious Desserts," award-winning chocolatier Alice Medrich cuts the complicated out of baking and offers recipes that turn sophficiated homemade treats into something any chef can tackle.

Here is one of those recipes.

Grilled Chocolate Sandwiches

Makes 2 sandwiches

Crusty, hot, and melty chocolate sandwiches make a decadent snack, but cut into daintier portions and nestled with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, they make a dynamite dessert for company. They're fun too.



Butter one side of each slice of bread generously. In a skillet big enough to hold them, cook the slices butter side down over medium heat, just until pale gold on one side. Cover two of the slices with chocolate. Flip a naked slice on top, butter side up. Cook, turning the sandwiches as necessary, until the chocolate is softened and the sandwiches are browned on both sides. Serve immediately, sprinkled with a pinch of sea salt or a dusting of cinnamon sugar, if you like.

You can find more of dessert chef Alice Medrich's favorite recipes and techniques for cooking with chocolate in her new cookbook, "Sinfully Easy Delicious Desserts," in stores now, and on her website,