Hurricane Katrina: Five Years Later, Progress and Hope in New Orleans

Former first lady Laura Bush: "The differences are huge."

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 26, 2010, 6:27 PM

Aug. 27, 2010 — -- Five years after Hurricane Katrina, Kenneth and Jori Dorsey are finally coming home.

Like so many others, the Dorseys fled when floodwater overtook New Orleans after the storm made landfall in southern Louisiana Aug. 29, 2005.

Katrina left a wide path of devastation. An estimated 1,800 people died and about 1 million were displaced.

Watch our Special Facebook Live Web Stream: 'Katrina: Five Years Later' on today at 12:30 p.m. ET.

"We lost everything; our home, all our possessions," Kenneth Dorsey, who lived in the hard-hit Lower Ninth Ward before fleeing to Alabama, said.

But the place they are returning to is very different from the one they left. Five years of rebuilding homes, businesses and morale have buoyed the spirits of those who saw the city at its worst.

Former first lady Laura Bush will head back to the region today to speak at a St. Bernard Parish school system Day of Reflection breakfast. She called the community there an inspiration and an example of the perseverance of the victims in Louisiana and Mississippi.

"The differences are huge now five years later," she said today on "Good Morning America."

"Each time I came there was a little bit of improvement. But I think, now, after five years, things are really starting to look great."

In St. Bernard Parish, where every school was destroyed, along with most homes and communities, there has been a complete about-face. One of the parish schools was just named to U.S. News & World Report's list of best high schools.

"In every case, many of them had lost their own homes, they were living in FEMA trailers themselves or with relatives ... but they rebuilt the schools," said Bush, who has made dozens of trips to the region in the past five years. "They knew kids and families wouldn't come back unless they had good schools to go to."

Eighty percent of New Orleans was flooded when the levees -- the protective barriers designed to protect the city, much of which lies below sea level -- were breached by the storm.

The failure of the flood-protection system, as well as the government's inadequate response in the aftermath of the disaster, became the subject of harsh and ongoing criticism.

President George W. Bush took the brunt of much of the criticism for the government's failure to provide immediate relief to the thousands of Gulf residents seen begging for food and water, while dead bodies littered the streets for days.

He was castigated for flying over New Orleans instead of visiting in the days immediately after Katrina hit, especially after a photo was widely distributed of his reclining on Air Force One, peering out the window.

"He realizes that was a mistake," Laura Bush said. "That he looked like he didn't care. But he did care."

Bush reiterated her and the former president's previous explanation for the flyover: that he was afraid his presence on the ground would take away from the resources needed to save residents.

She compared the flak her husband took to the criticism now faced by President Obama for the BP oil spill in the same region.

"I hope that Americans would just take a step back and take a deep breath and realize that people that are serving in public office are just that, servants," she said. "And they are trying to do the best they can."