How Man Created 'All by Myself' Viral Airport Lip-Sync All by Himself

Richard Dunn turned a flight delay into a viral opportunity.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 11, 2014, 11:52 AM

June 11, 2014 -- The man who single-handedly redefined the productive airport layover says it took him seven hours, a wheelchair and the blessing of moving sidewalks to create the Celine Dion lip-sync video that has made him a viral star.

Richard Dunn of Canton, Georgia, was just another airline passenger stuck in a Las Vegas airport overnight after being bumped from several flights when he had an idea.

“When I got bumped from the flight I thought I need something here,” Dunn,43, said today on “Good Morning America,” adding that he started Googling songs about being alone for inspiration.

“I borrowed a roll of luggage tape from one of the mechanics that was up there on the concourse,” Dunn said. “I had a ruler in my bag. I had an extended handle on my laptop. I grabbed a wheelchair and I connected the phone to the ruler and the ruler to the wheelchair.”

With just those tools, a lot of creativity and his iPhone, Dunn created a video of himself lip-syncing to the Celine Dion hit “All by Myself” while walking around the McCarran International Airport at 2 a.m.

The five-minute music video shows Dunn, a lighting designer for corporate entertainment in his non-viral video life, singing in the airport’s food court, on the empty shoe shine chairs, in front of the women’s restroom, on the escalator and in just about every other spot he could film. But the real magic, he says, came when he realized the airport had moving sidewalks.

“I’m like, ‘This is movie gold,’” Dunn said. “I put the wheelchair on the moving sidewalk and then I’d have to run and get in place and kind of lip-sync…and then I’d have to run to the end of the moving sidewalk to catch it when it came off, before it knocked over.”

Dunn spent nearly three hours shooting the video, largely because of the logistics of stunts like filming on the moving sidewalks and the airport's escalator, where Dunn says he almost lost his equipment.

“I put it [the iPhone] on my bag and stuck a water bottle under to get the angle and then started the music and was singing along and then was like, ‘Holy crap, it’s hitting the top,’ so I had to sprint,” he said.

After another four hours spent editing his footage, Dunn posted the finished video to Vimeo, where it has been viewed three million times in three days.

“It’s incredible,” Dunn said. “I’ve been a video hack for the past 10 years so there’s been a steady stream of this stuff crossing my computer and friends and family think, ‘Oh that’s nice,’ and I just thought this was another one of those.”

“I figured I’d crank this out and get a couple of my friends thinking that that was pretty funny and that would be the end of it and now I’m talking to you guys,” he said on "GMA."