GMA Transcript: Greg Hunter, 'Super Blue Stuff'

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 4, 2002, 3:19 PM

Sept. 3 -- The following is an unedited, uncorrected transcript from Greg Hunter's report on ABCNEWS' Good Morning America.

ABCNEWS' Charles Gibson: We take up now something that you may know something about, it is calledSuper Blue Stuff. At one point, it was the number one selling product oninfomercials, and it claimed to relieve everything from the occasionalaches and pains of the weekend warrior to chronic arthritis. But as ourConsumer Correspondent Greg Hunter found out, its name isn't the only thingthat's vague, so is the science behind it.

ABCNEWS'GREG HUNTER: (Voice Over Tape) It's called Super Blue Stuff. The folks who sell it promise thisinfomercial ointment, which costs about $40, relieves not just minor aches,but all kinds of severe and chronic pain.


HUNTER: (Voice Over Tape) The infomercials have featured numerous testimonials from seriouslyill consumers. Consumers like this stroke victim.


HUNTER: (Voice Over Tape)(VO) So, how is this product managing to help so many sick people? Well,if you believe the company, the answer lies here. Meet the Emu. Accordingto the company, oil derived from this odd-looking flightless bird is one ofthe keys to the Blue Stuff miracle.


HUNTER: (On Camera) The company sold more than a million jars of Super Blue Stuff in justa few short years. But critics say that claims they're using to sell the product are a lot like the Emu, they just won't fly.

ROBERT NICOLOSI PHD, UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LOWELL: I was totally aghast, dismayed that, that something could make claims to that extent.

HUNTER: (Voice Over Tape) Professor Robert Nicolosi is a Biochemist at the University OfMassachusetts, and one of the only scientists in the world to have everactually studied Emu oil. The oil, he says, has, indeed, been shown tohave some health benefits. But so far, only in the ears of mice. Nicolosisays, Blue Stuff once offered to let him formally test their product in hisUniversity lab, but then never got back to him.