Is Hypnotism Science or a Sideshow?
May 6 -- So much for 15 minutes of fame. After hypnotist Tom DeLuca hypnotized them into a deep sleep, about a dozen volunteers snoozed right through their appearances on Good Morning America.
• Premium Video: See the Hypnotized GMA Audience
But when he told them to laugh, they woke up, and all started cracking up.
"I told them that when I said sleep, they would go back deep asleep," DeLuca told Good Morning America's Charlie Gibson. "And I could plant a suggestion right now for you."
DeLuca, who demonstrated his hypnosis live on GMA, seemed to have his subjects in the palm of his hand. He plunged one man's arm into a large bucket of icy water, but the subject claimed he felt no pain, just wet — the sensation that DeLuca had told him he would feel under hypnosis. The same man was unable to tell Diane Sawyer his own name, because when he was under hypnosis, DeLuca told him he would be unable to say it.
Another female volunteer, who was hypnotized to block the number six from her mind, kept responding seven when she was asked the sum of five plus one.
In shows all over the world, stage hypnotists including DeLuca, have found that under hypnosis, people will do strange things.
Such shows, along with films that depict hypnotists as evildoers vying for control over their subjects, have given hypnosis a reputation as a hyped-up sideshow. But the reality of hypnotism is much less dramatic. Advocates of clinical hypnosis say that it is simply a different state of mind, and one that can be used as a medical tool.
Hypnosis on the Highway
Under hypnosis, the subject temporarily suspends his normal way of looking at the world. Instead of being sent into a trancelike sleep, hypnosis experts say that the person who is hypnotized shifts into a state of extreme concentration.
Researchers say we enter states similar to hypnosis all the time, though most people just think of it as zoning out. For instance, many of us have had the experience of driving down the road, then suddenly snapping into awareness, unable to remember the last few miles. What happened was that for a few moments your unconscious mind took over, and you were in a state of concentration similar to hypnosis.