Vince Vaughn Takes on Menacing Role

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 25, 2001, 3:57 PM

N E W   Y O R K, Oct. 25 -- Actor Vince Vaughn is probably best known for the line "You're money, baby," from the 1996 film Swingers. The line from Vaughn's smooth-talking character became a rallying cry for guys on the prowl.

The 31-year-old actor whose acting debut was in a sex education film, has had some other unusual parts.

He had 2 feet of his intestines pulled out in The Cell with Jennifer Lopez. He stepped into Anthony Perkins' shoes in the remake of Psycho. Despite the rather grisly roles, Movielinemagazine still called him one of the sex symbols of the 21st century,with the best 5 o'clock shadow.

Vaughn is now starring with John Travolta in the new movie, Domestic Disturbance, a thriller.

He spoke with Good Morning America's Charlie Gibson. Here is an unedited version of the transcript:

GIBSON: Nice to have you here.

VAUGHN:Nice to be here. Good morning to you.

GIBSON: Sex symbol of the 21st century and a mean guy in this movie.


GIBSONMean, nasty.


GIBSON:Scary guy.


GIBSON: It's basically the story of the boy who cried wolf?

VAUGHN: Exactly. A boy who cried wolf and what I liked aboutthe material was a lot of times when a married couple splitsup and there's a child involved, they will move on, and they'll datesomeone else, but the child and the new significant other neverreally have a courtship period. They're sort of thrown into a veryintimate situation without ever getting to know each other. And alot of those situations turn out to be good where we have a greatfriendship that develops or a parent/child relationship. But ourmovie sort of deals with, you know, what if the worst-case scenariohappens and you really don't know who it is that's around your child.

GIBSON:Travolta and his (on-screen) wife divorced.

VAUGHN:Very nice man.

GIBSON:Yeah, very nice man. But John Travolta and his wife

VAUGHN:In the movie divorced.


VAUGHN:We don't want to start a scandal.