GMA: Tiffany Shlain on Taxes

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 15, 2001, 6:13 PM

March 16 -- Taxes are due on April 16 this year you have got one extra day. Today marks the one-month countdown.

More and more consumers are filing their taxes electronically. The Internal Revenue Service strongly encourages online filing and it projects that more than 42 million Americans will e-file their taxes this year.


Filing online can be inexpensive and in some cases it is more accurate because sites check automatically for simple mistakes that can significantly delay your return.

You may also receive your refund back in a number of days instead a number of months.The refund can easily be deposited directly into your checking or savings account

Online Tax Glitches

There can be problems. Filing correct numbers to confirm your identity online has been a problem. Many people have had their forms returned because they did not fill them out correctly.

If your taxes are really complicated get help. Shlain recommends the traditional methods of filing with an accountant when it comes to foreign addresses, filings for previous years and multi-state returns.