Pete Rose Answers Viewer Questions

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 12, 2004, 2:44 PM

Jan. 12 -- Pete Rose continues to discuss his history with gambling, and while he wants his fans to forgive him, he says he has no apology for John Dowd who led the investigation that prompted his ban from baseball in the 1980s. Read more in this online Q & A with ABCNEWS viewers.

For details on Rose's confession to betting check out:

Rose's interview with Charlie Gibson on Primetime.

Read an excerpt from his book.

Question: If in the future you are given another chance to be a manager, where would you like to manage?

Answer: Well, anywhere that had a competitive team. But the ideal fit for me obviously is Cincinnati or somewhere where I've played not that you want to limit it. But, I look at it like this, I don't want to sound arrogant or cocky, I just think that I can bring a very positive attitude to anyone that needs a positive attitude. There's a lot of teams out there that need a positive attitude, plus my knowledge of baseball.

Question: I'm A huge fan of yours and would like nothing more than to see you back in the game. What can you do to prove thatyou would never bet on baseball again?

Answer: Well, all I can tell that fan, and I appreciate the question, is I haven't done it since 1988. That's a pretty long time. I think once you do it and you realize what it cost me and it put me through, there's no way you'd think of doing it again. You just have to believe me, and believe me I understand how much I messed up looking for a second chance, I'm sure it would be tough for me, you leave a pitcher in too long ... certain people are gonna think whatever they want. I know my mind is clear, the weight is off my shoulders there's just no chance, that would be the last thing that would ever happen in my life.