Oprah Interviews Elizabeth Smart and Family

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 22, 2003, 7:20 AM

S A L T   L A K E   C I T Y, Utah, Oct. 22 -- Ed and Lois Smart have spoken to Oprah Winfrey about their daughter's kidnapping and their revealing new book, which chronicles Elizabeth's ordeal.

ABCNEWS' Good Morning America got an exclusive first look at Winfrey's conversation with the Smarts at their Salt Lake City home.

As the Smarts walked Winfrey through their home, which now holds many memories of the night Elizabeth was abducted, they took her through exactly what happened that fateful night in June 2002.

Lois Smart had prepared a special sit-down dinner for her family that night. After burning some potatoes, she says she opened the kitchen window to let some fresh air into the house. She now believes she unwittingly let in an intruder who changed the life of her family forever.

In the early morning hours, Brian David Mitchell who had been hired as a handyman by the Smarts at one time allegedly cut through the kitchen window screen of the Smart family's million-dollar home. The police say his target was Elizabeth, who was then just 14 years old.

"He came in through this window, and there was a bag of flour that was sitting here and a little iron plant holder that had a little glass on it. And those were undisturbed and I think that made the police feel that this was just a set-up instead of the real thing," Ed Smart told Winfrey.

Lois Smart said that night changed the way they live.

"We don't open any windows anymore," Lois Smart told Winfrey.

Mitchell, 50, and his wife Wanda Barzee, 57, are charged with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault and aggravated burglary in Elizabeth's June 5, 2002, abduction.

Elizabeth, who is now a 15-year-old high school sophomore, spent nine months away from her parents and two younger siblings after she was kidnapped.

She was found March 12, 2003, in Sandy, a suburb about 15 miles south of Salt Lake City. The Smarts say they have spent a lot of time together, as a family, since Elizabeth's return.

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