Tipper Gore Ready For Another White House Run

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 13, 2006, 7:33 AM

June 13, 2006— -- She's spent five years recovering from the last run at the White House, but Tipper Gore says she's ready if her husband wants to do it again.

"If he were going to run in the future, of course I would support him," Tipper Gore told ABCNews' Claire Shipman in her first television interview in four years. "I think he'd be a fantastic president. He already got a majority of votes of people in this country once, and so that says something."

Al Gore is back in the political spotlight with his new documentary on global warming, "An Inconvenient Truth," and some are wondering if he'll make another run for president.

"I can't say yes, can't say no," Tipper Gore said. "He is saying he's not interested in running in '08."

At the premiere of his film, Al Gore was more circumspect, however. His exact words were, "I don't have plans to be a candidate again." His wife said not to read too much into the phrasing, however.

"Let me say it exactly," Tipper Gore said. "He has said, 'I'm not interested in running in '08.' Now, as he also says, he's 58. He's got many more years. He probably figures, 'Who knows what might come?' He never imagined he'd be in the movies, walking up a red carpet in Cannes."

Both Gores seem to be relishing their new-found liberation from politics. Tipper Gore -- an accomplished photographer -- has turned her hobby into a business. Her friends, designers Mitchell Gold and Bob Williams, convinced her to market some of her work through their furniture company. The photos range from about $1,000 to $6,500, and a portion of the sales benefit The Climate Project, a non-profit organization founded by the Gores dedicated to saving the planet.

Tipper Gore's photograph's range from nature shots to portraits of world leaders, representing the unique vantage point she had at the White House for eight years. Once of the most dramatic images is the historic hand shake between Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin.

"I was attending the ceremony with my husband," Tipper Gore said. "I took my camera and I could not resist."

Focusing on her art once again has been one means of healing from her husband's brutal loss in the 2000 election.