Robots Are Your Friends ... or They Will Be

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 3, 2006, 2:52 PM

Nov. 3, 2006 — -- Sporting one of the world's most recognizable faces and a space suit, Albert has met President Bush, and Russian President Vladimir Putin. At 4.5 feet tall and 132 pounds, Albert does tai chi, and he dances.

But Albert is not an astronaut, a politician, a diplomat, a scientist or a gym buff. Albert is a robot, one that could be coming to your home or workplace sooner than you think.

Experts believe that in 2031, robots will be a common part of our daily lives, doing things like teaching, helping with household chores, serving as our companions, and guarding us in dangerous situations.

"One type of general service public robot, whether humanoid or not, will be available at home, much like today, [where] most homes own a computer," said Jun Ho Oh, a professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology at the National University of Korea.

Oh is Albert's father.

The professor wanted his walking robot to have a familiar human face capable of human expression. To accomplish that, he enlisted the help of David Hanson at Hanson Robotics Inc.

Hanson, a renowned artificial intelligence researcher and robot designer, is widely regarded as the creator of the world's most realistic humanoid robots. In this case, he designed the robot's face so it would resemble physicist Albert Einstein's when he was in his 50s.

"The logic behind his choice is that Einstein's face is likely the most recognizable face in the entire world," Oh said. "It is also [a] synonym of peace and intelligence."

The face is made from a spongelike silicone-type material called Frubber. Frubber allows Albert to express a full range of emotions; it can simulate the actions of more than 48 major facial muscles.

"Frubber material allows for a range of facial expressions, from wide-eyed surprise to angry frown[s] and from smiling to looking sad," Hanson said. "It can even express the subtle difference between intense concentration to really intense concentration."

Hanson put cameras in Albert's eyes, and powerful artificial intelligence software, which helps Albert see and track human faces and moves, understand speech and hold realistic conversations. The robot can even recognize people's faces. If it doesn't recognize your face, it may ask you your name.