Iraq War Architects, Four Years Later

Years after 'Mission Accomplished' banner, Iraq War's champions are in disarray.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2009, 6:29 PM

May 1, 2007 — -- Four years ago today, President Bush stood on an aircraft carrier and marked the end of major combat operations in Iraq with a banner behind him that read "Mission Accomplished."

Four years later, the mission is widely seen as a disaster, and the once indestructible architects are in profound disarray.

The infamous speech on the aircraft carrier in San Diego was a moment of public bravado that will be forever tied to the Bush administration.

"Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment," Bush said four years ago.

But in April, the deadliest month in 2007, more than 100 troops died and the majority of Americans say the country is on the wrong path.

"The reputation of all of the people who were the architects of this war is shot," ABC News analyst Cokie Roberts said.

Paul Wolfowitz, who engineered the war at the Pentagon, is still mired in scandal this week in his new job running the World Bank. He's accused of giving special treatment and a high salary to his girlfriend. He has called it a smear campaign.

"The board is looking into the matter and we'll let them complete their work," Wolfowitz said at an April 15 news conference.

Also this week, former CIA chief George Tenet, who helped paint a rationale for war out of U.S. intelligence, has defected from the Bush camp. He's lashing out in a new book, saying the president went to war with no serious debate.

"This was an agenda item for many coming into the administration," he told ABC News.

Donald Rumsfeld, former secretary of defense, has all but disappeared after being forced out of his position late last year. Today, his name still draws grimaces at the Pentagon.

"I have benefited greatly from criticism, and at no time have I suffered a lack thereof," Rumsfeld said at his last news conference in November 2006.

Vice President Dick Cheney is still on the job, but the guilty verdict handed to his former chief of staff, Scooter Libby, was read by many as a warning of his unchecked power.