Overcoming the Odds: Tennis Star James Blake

Court star has written a new memoir about losing and winning his life back.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 29, 2007, 1:04 PM

July 30, 2007 — -- A string of tragedies, which put his pro tennis career in jeopardy, made 2004 a terrible year for James Blake. The young athlete fractured his neck, his father died, and he came down with a career-threatening disease all in the space of a few months.

While many would have crumbled, Blake fought back, all the way to the highest reaches of the Association of Tennis Professionals tour.

In his new memoir, "Breaking Back: How I Lost Everything and Won Back My Life," Blake tells the story of that crippling year, and how he came back to reach even greater heights on the court.

The book reveals Blake's infectiously optimistic attitude, finding the positive and learning from all experiences including a broken neck and shingles.

"Breaking my neck was the best thing that happened to me in 2004, because it gave me six weeks to spend with my father when he was sick, and be home," Blake said. "I try to find the silver lining in everything."

In January 2004, Blake was a rising star on the tennis circuit. Then, in May, he was practicing on a court in Rome, and one, two, three, it all unraveled. It was raining, he was running, and he went into the net post at full speed.

"The doctor said that if I hadn't turned my head a little bit, I would have been paralyzed, so I was lucky," Blake said.

Blake dedicated the book to his father, who was his hero and role model. Blake said writing about his father's death was actually therapeutic, as it helped him to internalize his feelings.

"I had to verbalize my grief and put it down on paper, and it made the emotions come to the surface, and taught me about mourning," he explained.

Blake's parents may have met on a tennis court, but athletics were never stressed in the household while Blake grew up academics were the focus. So, it is no surprise that Blake eventually attended Harvard.

And it was at school that Blake started to really shine on the courts which really surprised him.

"I expected to be fourth best on the team. Instead, I was fourth best in the college rankings nationwide. That's when I thought maybe I should give this a shot."