Technology Digitally Unmasks Pedophile

Interpol released photos of a man suspected of sexually abusing boys in Asia.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 12:23 AM

Oct. 9, 2007 — -- The international police organization Interpol digitally unmasked the image of a suspected pedophile who used editing software to morph and conceal his identity in pictures posted online that depicted him sexually abusing young boys.

"We have no idea where he lives but couldn't just sit and wait and not do anything for his victims," said Anders Persson of Interpol.

Interpol released four reconstructed photos of the suspected pedophile on Monday. It is believed the photographs were taken before December 2004, according to The Associated Press.

The case marks the first time an appeal has been made so globally as more and more authorities are utilizing the public to help them solve cases.

So far the organization has received about 200 messages in just over 12 hours, and some of the tips included detailed information, like names and addresses. The man apparently traveled the world sexually abusing young boys, and according to the AP as many as 12 boys were assaulted, some of whom were as young as 6 years old.

The organization refused to discuss how it was able to uncover the man's identity. But ABC News was able to duplicate a similar feat easily using a relatively simple and common computer editing program, which was able to swirl and unswirl pictures.

The man hid his identity, but he did not disguise the victims of his sexual abuse. But while authorities said the net is closing in on the pedophile, tracking down his victims has proved more difficult. They have yet to find any of the victims.

But police do believe they know where some of the crimes were committed. Authorities said they believe that some of the incidents occurred in Vietnam and Cambodia.

The Cambodian police were able to identify some of the locations in some of the pictures.

To find out more about the manhunt go to

The Associated Press contributed to this report.