Extreme Weather Grips Midwest, West

Extreme weather grips most of the country for the fourth day in a row.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 26, 2009, 7:01 PM

Dec. 12, 2007 — -- As extreme weather and freezing temperatures grip the Midwest for the fourth day in a row, Oklahoma residents are suffering more than most with the worst power outage in the state's history.

Frozen tree limbs continue to fall on top of power lines, some of which utility crews already had repaired in dozens of deserted neighborhoods.

The task was difficult for workers trying to restore power to as many as a million people in five states, including Kansas and Missouri.

At least 23 deaths have been blamed on the storm system since the waves of sleet and freezing rain started during the weekend and officials in Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma had declared states of emergency.

President Bush also declared an emergency in Oklahoma on Tuesday and ordered federal aid to supplement state and local response efforts.

Meanwhile, the heavy ice and lack of power have forced many families into shelters.

"Thought I'd get out of here in two, three hours most," said Oklahoma resident Sylvia Machado, who went to the shelter with her three children, but has not been able to return home.

The extended stay has made it difficult for her to keep her family's regimen.

"Bedtime schedule is out. Dinner schedule is out. Bath time schedule is out," Machado said.

And an Oklahoma City emergency command center says some residents may be without power for seven to 10 days.

"We were ahead of the game. But when you have this many outages, it's hard," said Albert Ashwood, of Oklahoma Emergency Management.

The troubles also have meant water shortages in some places and others can't get gas.

Meanwhile the western portion of the country -- which had evacuated residents near Portland, Ore., just before an expected mudslide hit -- has found serious damage from the mud and water that overtook the area.

The mudslide caused homes to slide off their foundations and had tree trunks floating like toothpicks.

The slide was triggered when Eilertsen Creek, which still was swollen from last week's massive rainfall, became clogged with debris.