Ill Aboard! Dangers of Getting Sick at Sea

Medical records show couple repeatedly pleaded for help from ship's staff.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 3, 2009, 2:36 PM

May 22, 2008 -- Don and Marlene Bryce planned a celebratory cruise in the Mediterranean as a toast to Don's retirement and their 53 years together.

The couple set sail aboard Holland America's cruise ship "Rotterdam."

"We were just enjoying life," said Marlene.

But what was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime ended tragically 12 days into their vacation. Don died on the floor of their cabin.

"They covered him with a blanket and that was the last I saw of him," said Marlene.

Don became ill on the eighth day of their cruise, according to Marlene, other passengers and onboard medical records.

"My parents were on the cruise, but it sounds like the medical staff was on vacation," said the couple's daughter Lori Vaaga.

Using Don's shipboard medical records and the recollections of his wife and two other passengers, reporter Liz Rocca of Seattle's KOMO station pieced together the days leading up to Don's puzzling death.

Medical records show the ship's nurses and Dr. Mark Gibson gave Don medicine to stop vomiting four days before his death. Two days later, Don took a turn for the worse and so did his medical care, according to his family.

Marlene said she had never seen Don that ill. Early in the morning of their eleventh day on the ship, Marlene called for a nurse to see Don. Records show the nurse came, but took no vital signs only a temperature and gave Don medicine to stop his vomiting and diarrhea.

"She looked at him and said, 'You are under quarantine you are not to leave this room,'" said Marlene.

In the next 24 hours, Marlene asked medical personnel for help four times. Records show she called Dr. Gibson later that morning at 11:20 a.m.

Marlene said Don was weak, confused and had a cough. Gibson told Marlene to keep giving Don medicine to combat allergies and diarrhea.

At 5:30 that evening, Marlene said she was so worried about Don that she went to the infirmary to plead with the doctor to come see Don at their cabin.

Marlene said Gibson told her "he couldn't come because he didn't have the time" and that he would see Don in the morning. The doctor's notes said that Don was improving.