Palin Divides Women Voters, Even Her Closest Friends

Friends say they don't see eye-to-eye with Palin on certain political issues.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 8, 2008, 9:04 AM

Sept. 8, 2008 — -- Sarah Palin's nomination for Republican vice president is dividing women voters, including some of her closest friends.

At least three of Palin's friends from Alaska told "Good Morning America" in an exclusive interview today that they weren't sure who they would vote for in the presidential election in November.

"I support Sarah as a friend, and I can't necessarily say who I'm going to vote for," Patti Ricker said. "I haven't made up my mind yet. And, you know, I don't know what's going to happen. But, you know, I am pro-choice and I don't agree with everything Sarah says either. But, again, I haven't ... committed to voting for anybody. I haven't decided yet."

The four women "GMA" spoke to are part of a group of friends that jokingly call themselves the "elite six." They got to know each other through aerobics classes, which included Palin.

"And we just kinda bonded and did our little workouts together, and after workouts, sometimes we'd go and have chocolate and coffee or soda," Juanita Fuller said.

While all the women "love" Palin, there are some issues they don't agree on, including abortion rights. Two of the women said they are for abortion rights, while Palin is staunchly against abortion rights. (One of the women, Juanita Fuller, told ABC News she was "pro-choice," but later clarified her position, saying she is opposed to abortion rights.)

Sandy Hoest said she did not support some of Palin's positions as governor of Alaska, such as her attempt to take polar bears off the endangered species list.

But Hoest said she's still undecided about the race. "I have never voted for a Republican for president. And this may be the first time I vote Republican for president. I'm real excited to see the debates and make up my mind. But I'm not committed."

Fuller is the only one of the women who said she is definitely voting for the McCain-Palin ticket.

"And I didn't really agree with a lot of John McCain until he brought her on. Because I knew that she would help our nation go forward. She would help us in ways that would make us a better country," Fuller said.