How to Help an Unemployed Friend

A candid conversation with five people recently laid off and looking for work.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 11, 2008, 10:37 PM

Dec. 12, 2008 — -- Last week nearly 575,000 people filed first-time claims for unemployment benefits -- the largest number of weekly claims in 25 years.

Thousands of people looking for work have attended "Good Morning America" job fairs across the country. Most of us know someone out of work who might need a helping hand -- but as a friend or family member, what's the best way to help?

Diane Sawyer sat down with five recently unemployed people to talk about what helps and what doesn't when the rug gets yanked out from under you.

Since their layoffs, these five say they have sent out a combined total of 430 resumes. Each of them talked about the shock they felt when they got the news, the isolation and frustration they feel while looking for work and the physical toll unemployment has taken on them.

Lee Sakellarides, 45, Staten Island, N.Y.

Lee was laid off from her job as a marketing manager in October. Before that, she worked as an editor and copywriter.

Louis Carone, 45, Forest Hills, N.Y.

Louis was laid off from his job as a facilities manager for a moving company in August. He ran his own vending business from 1987 through 2006.

Michael Menachem, 26, New York, N.Y.

Michael worked in sales in the music and entertainment industry. He lost his job nearly three months ago.

Vivian Lynette, 40, Bronx, N.Y.

Vivian has been out of work for nine months, after more than two decades of working as an administrative assistant at various companies. She has two children.

Katie Tichacek, 32, New York, N.Y.

Katie last worked as a deputy field organizer for Barack Obama's presidential campaign, and when the campaign ended so did her job. Before that she worked as a public affairs associate for the Drug Enforcement Agency and the New York City Economic Development Corp. She is currently looking for public relations jobs.

Vivian: "Sometimes you have some friends that will offer you help. But what I've noticed, a lot of friends, they don't call, because they don't know what to say. So, they're backin' off. And it -- that hurts even more, because I'm still the same person, even though I'm unemployed."