Meet the World's Smartest Kid

Toddler Elise Tan-Roberts became the youngest member ever of British Mensa.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 30, 2009, 10:28 PM

May 1, 2009— -- The majority of parents believe their children are geniuses, but toddler Elise Tan-Roberts has the official seal of approval to back up the boast..

At 2 years and 4 months old, Elise becomes the youngest member ever of the high IQ fraternity Mensa .

Not only does Elise know her shapes, but the London resident also can count in Spanish. But her favorite thing to do is recite world capitals.

She knows 35 of them, including Paris,Tokyo and Washington D.C.

Little Elise's IQ is an astonishing 156. Compare that to Albert Einstein's 160, and you realize just how smart Elise really is considering she still has so much to learn.

Though Mensa can only test people older than 10, Elise was accepted because of a previous "evidence application" that confirmed her IQ score was within the top 2 percent of the population, according to British Mensa's Web site.

Before Elise took Mensa's youngest-ever honors, the title of youngest female ever admitted to Mensa was held by Georgia Brown. Georgia had been the youngest girl when she joined in 2007 at 1,041 days old. The youngest boy and youngest member ever accepted was Ben Woods, who joined Mensa in the 1990s at 1,035 days old, according to Mensa's Web site.

Elise was 845 days old when she joined the international high IQ club.