Abraham Shakespeare Murder: Police Say Suspect Incriminated Herself

Abraham Shakespeare's body was found buried near the woman's boyfriend's home.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 29, 2010, 10:52 AM

Feb. 4, 2010— -- The chief suspect in the killing of a Florida lottery winner incriminated herself before her Tuesday arrest by revealing unreleased information about the man's death, police said today.

Dorice "DeeDee" Moore, 37, who was charged as an accessory after the fact to first-degree murder, has denied having anything to do with Abraham Shakespeare's death and told reporters this week, "They are saying that I took a gun, put it up, and killed another human being, and I would never ever, ever do that."

Moore had yet to be charged at that point, and Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told "Good Morning America" said today, authorities had never said publicly that Shakespeare had been shot.

"The first one to mention that fact was DeeDee Moore," he said.

Judd called Moore a master manipulator and a con artist who managed to take $1.8 million from Shakespeare.

"She tried to con the police, and now she's trying to con the media and the public," he said.

Moore's story began to fall apart at the very first interview with the police shortly after Shakespeare was reported missing in November.

"From the very beginning of our investigation, which started seven months after he went missing, we found out she still had Abraham Shakespeare's cell phone and was texting his friends as well as her own cell phone pretending to be Abraham," Judd said.

"She became more desperate and more desperate," he said. "As we put more heat on her in December, that's when she ... said, "Hey, I have to get rid of this body."

Shakespeare's body was found last week, buried under a cement slab in a wooded area on a rural Florida property owned by Moore's boyfriend, Shar Krasniqi.

Police have said Shakespeare was killed April 6 or 7, 2009, at the house next door to the property where he was buried.