True or False: Is Spring the Best Time to Buy a New House?

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 27, 2011, 3:25 PM

Sept. 27, 2011 — -- True, planning on buying your house in the spring is the optimal time to make this purchase.

Some of the most cost-effective ways to buy a home is by starting your search in the spring. During these months is when you'll find the most amount of homes on the market. Most homes' yards have a greener and healthier look allowing for each house to be more aesthetically pleasing. Also, families will search during this time because it will allow their children to slowly transition into the new setting as school lets out for summer break. All of these reasons are cause for the housing marketing to be booming and thus benefiting you by having the largest selection of homes to choose from. Other winter months may give you a lower cost, but you'll be choosing from a much smaller variety of homes.

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