Kim Yu-Na Takes Gold in Women's Figure Skating, Canada's Sweetheart Joannie Rochette Gets Bronze

In emotional evening, Canada's sweetheart Joannie Rochette takes the bronze.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 26, 2010, 7:34 AM

Feb. 26, 2010— -- It was almost an impossible amount of pressure, competing for her country's first women's figure skating medal in more than two decades while still mourning the painful and unexpected death of her mother.

But Joannie Rochette, who's now known as Canada's daughter and Vancouver's darling of the ice, turned in a valiant performance that snared the bronze medal.

Although not the technical favorite heading into Thursday's finale, she was the sentimental choice for many. She landed her triple lutz, double-toe jump, but then struggled later while landing another triple.

Rochette finished by blowing a kiss to her mother, who died of a heart attack Sunday while in Vancouver. Her father was visibly moved watching his daughter push through her unimaginable grief.

Rochette said after her performance that she was proud of her showing and considered it a lifetime project between her and her mother.

But the woman on top of the podium at Pacific Coliseum was heavily favored South Korean skater Kim Yu-Na, whose gold-medal performance broke her own world record.

Not only is Kim the first figure skating champion from South Korea, her victory was also a win for her Canadian coach Brian Orser. Orser lost the gold himself to Brian Boitano in the legendary 1988 men's figure skating battle.

With Japan's Mao Asada taking the silver medal, the Americans were shut out of the podium for the first time since 1964. U.S. teenager Mirai Nagasu finished fourth, her teammate Rachel Flatt finished seventh.

It was a result that Nagasu said she was pleased with even if she didn't bring home the hardware.

"I'm just happy I was able to be right behind those top competitors because it's my first really big international competition," Nagasu said told the Associated Press.