Health Tip: Hand Washing is Important

ByABC News
November 28, 2008, 11:01 AM

Nov. 29 -- (HealthDay News) -- You've heard it over and over, starting from your parents: "Wash your hands."

But if you knew why it's so important, handwashing would always be on the top of your list of ways to stay healthy, says the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Scientists believe most people get colds and other illnesses by touching a sick person or by touching something a sick person touched.

All you have to do to protect yourself is wash your hands -- after you go to the bathroom, after you touch a cut or sore, and always before you touch food.

Wash your hands front and back and between the fingers. Soap up your wrists, too. And don't forget your fingernails. A good nail brush does the best job there.