Health Tip: Considering an Advanced Care Directive?

ByABC News
December 25, 2008, 11:01 AM

Dec. 26 -- (HealthDay News) -- Whether you have a chronic illness or are simply concerned about your health deteriorating at some point, you may be considering an advanced care directive.

This legal document explains how you want your health care to be managed if you are unable to make or express decisions for yourself.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine lists these benefits of having an advanced care directive:

  • It should help you and family members worry less about how your medical care will be handled.
  • If you should become mentally or physically incapacitated, it can help you avoid treatments and procedures that you don't want.
  • If can help reduce the overall cost of your health care.
  • It can address potential legal concerns regarding your medical care.