24 Annoying Body Problems and How to Fix Them
Hiccups, blisters and ingrown hairs can be painful, embarrassing and annoying.

Aug. 14, 2013— -- intro: They may not be life threatening, but hiccups, blisters, ingrown hairs, and other body bothers can be painful, embarrassing, and just plain annoying.
Most of us dismiss them as occasional nuisances and wait for them to get better on their own. In fact, there are simple steps you can take to make them go away faster—or to prevent them in the first place.
Here's a roundup of 25 of the most common body annoyances, with info on what causes them, how you should handle them, and when they may warrant a call to your doctor.
quicklist: 1category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Waterlogged Earsurl: text: What Causes Them
Water finds its way into the ear canal, most often while you're swimming, and muffles your hearing.
What to Do
Often it's enough to tilt your head and find an angle that will let the water drain out, says Dr. Rachel C. Vreeman, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Indiana University School of Medicine, in Indianapolis. Holding a hair dryer a few inches from your ear can also dry up the fluid, Vreeman says—but be sure to use the gentlest setting. If the dryer is too hot or too loud, you could burn yourself or harm your hearing.
If your ear hurts, is red, or is draining fluid, you may have an infection known as swimmer's ear, and should seek medical attention.
quicklist: 2category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Hiccupsurl: text: What Causes Them
Hiccups occur when your diaphragm starts contracting involuntarily. Your vocal cords snap shut after every spasm, making that familiar "hic" sound.
What to Do
Well-worn remedies, like drinking a glass of water upside down or holding your breath, can help. "Many of these cures actually seem to work by disrupting your breathing cycle in a way that allows the diaphragm to relax and stop its hiccup-causing spasms," says Vreeman, coauthor of Don't Cross Your Eyes—They'll Get Stuck that Way!.
If your favorite trick doesn't help, your hiccups should subside on their own in a few minutes. Seek medical attention if they last for more than three hours or make it hard to breathe or swallow.
quicklist: 3category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Dry Mouthurl: text: What Causes Them
A slowdown in saliva production can have many causes. It may simply be that you're not drinking enough water. But dry mouth can also be a side effect of many different medications, from antidepressants to antihistamines.
What to Do
Drink more water. Chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on sugarless hard candy can also help. Reduce your caffeine intake, and if you smoke, quit. You can also try one of the many over-the-counter dry mouth treatments, which include moisturizing rinses, sprays, and gels.
"If none of these remedies work, check in with your doctor," says Dr. Roshini Raj, Health magazine's medical editor and coauthor of What the Yuck?!. "There's a chance you could have another problem like a respiratory infection, chronic sinusitis, or diabetes."
quicklist: 4category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Blistersurl: text: What Causes Them
Friction—from a tight shoe rubbing against your foot, for example—can cause fluid to collect between layers of skin, causing a bubble-like blister. Burns and other skin injuries can also cause blisters.
What to Do
"The best thing you can do for your blister is leave it alone," Dr. Vreeman says. "Blisters can get infected easily, and this is why we don't want you to pop them unless they are really big." If you must pop a blister, make sure your hands are clean, use a sterile needle to let the fluid out, and don't remove the flap of skin covering the blister.
You should seek medical help if the area around a blister gets red or tender, or starts draining fluid that is not clear—all of which can indicate infection.
What Ails You: Cold, Flu, or Something Else?
quicklist: 5category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Sneezing Fitsurl: text: What Causes Them
Frequent sneezing fits can mean you're allergic to something in your environment, although it can also signal the beginning of a viral infection. Some people are just prone to multiple sneezes.
What to Do
"If you regularly have sneezing fits, you need to think carefully about when they happen and what you might be allergic to," Dr. Vreeman says. "Dust, pollen and animal dander are the most common causes."
If your sneezes happen only during pollen season, or after you pet a dog, you may have allergies. See an allergist to find out for sure. Then, depending on what you're allergic to, avoiding it may be easy; if not, talk to your allergist about treatment.
quicklist: 6category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Stiff Neckurl: text: What Causes Them
Holding your head in an awkward position for an extended period of time—while using a smartphone or laptop, say—can strain your neck muscles, leading to pain and stiffness.
What to Do
Be aware of your posture. If you work in an office, make sure your desk, chair, computer keyboard, and monitor are positioned to let you work comfortably.
The same rules apply at home. "The best way to use a laptop is on a desk, not your lap, with the screen at eye level and the keyboard within easy reach," Dr. Raj says. And that goes for iPads and other devices, she adds.
If your stiff neck doesn't respond within a week to home remedies like over-the-counter pain relievers, heating pads, icing, or gentle massage, check with your doctor.
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quicklist: 6category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Chapped Lipsurl: text: What Causes Them
Lips generally become chapped due to dry air, cold weather, or too much sun. The skin on your lips is much thinner than the skin of your face and contains no oil glands, so it gets dehydrated faster. This dryness makes your lips fragile, which can cause painful splits and cracks.
What to Do
Licking your lips can make it worse. Frequent applications of lip balm will shield the delicate skin of your lips and help them heal. Dermatologists recommend using a balm with built-in sun protection, and staying away from ingredients like eucalyptus or camphor, which can dry out your lips.
If lip balm doesn't do the trick you should consult a doctor. "Cracks at the corners of your mouth may be a sign of a vitamin deficiency," Dr. Raj says. "Have a doctor check your levels—and consider taking a multivitamin."
quicklist: 7category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Charley Horseurl: text: What Causes Them
These painful muscle spasms in the leg or foot can occur a few hours after a strenuous workout, or at the end of a long day spent in heels. Dehydration or low levels of certain minerals, such as potassium, may also be to blame.
What to Do
A Charley horse every now and then isn't cause for concern, Dr. Raj says. "Try eating more foods with potassium, like avocados and bananas," she advises. Be sure you're hydrating adequately before workouts, she adds, and fully warm up and cool down after each exercise session.
Rarely, the spasms can be due to nerve injury—stemming from a herniated disc, for example. If they happen frequently, have your doctor test for nutrient deficiencies and do a full neurological exam.
quicklist: 8category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Sleeping Footurl: text: What Causes Them
A foot, hand, or other body part can get numb when something presses on the nerve pathway connecting it to your brain. That pins-and-needles feeling occurs when the pressure is removed and the body part "wakes up" and starts talking to your brain again, Dr. Vreeman says.
What to Do
Moving your foot in circles or clenching and unclenching your hand should get rid of pins and needles fast, Dr. Vreeman says. "Shifting position, not crossing your legs for long periods of time, and taking breaks to move around can all prevent you from having a body part fall asleep," she adds.
If normal feeling doesn't come back quickly, you may have problems with your nerves or circulation, and should seek medical attention.
quicklist: 9category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Ingrown Hairsurl: text: What Causes Them
When hairs grow back into the skin after shaving or tweezing, they can produce painful and unsightly bumps. They're most likely to be a problem in people with tightly curling hair.
What to Do
You can stop tweezing, shaving, or waxing. If that isn't an option, your doctor can prescribe creams, such as Renova, that help slough dead cells from the surface of your skin.
Also, as you're getting ready to shave, gently rubbing your skin with a warm washcloth in a circular motion may help prevent ingrown hairs. If you get one anyway, you can try carefully passing a clean needle under the hair to pull it out of the skin—but don't puncture or pick at the skin.
quicklist: 10category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Mosquito Bitesurl: text: What Causes Them
When mosquitoes suck your blood, they leave some saliva behind. The itchy bump that appears on your skin afterwards is caused by your immune system reacting to the proteins in mosquito spit.
What to Do
Apply calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream, and repeat until the itch is gone. If you're having a more severe reaction, you can take an over-the-counter antihistamine.
The best cure is to avoid getting bitten in the first place. Cover up as much as possible, use insect repellent (including on your clothes), and stay inside during peak biting hours, which for most types of mosquitoes are from dusk to dawn.
Treat and Defend Against Bug Bites
quicklist: 11category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Tickly Throaturl: text: What Causes It
An itchy throat can be due to irritation from a cold, the flu, seasonal allergies, postnasal drip, air pollution—even yelling.
What to Do
Most of the time, your throat will get better with home remedies like drinking plenty of liquids, gargling with warm salt water (one-half teaspoon of salt in one cup of water), sucking on lozenges, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen. Putting a humidifier in your bedroom can also help.
If your itchy throat is allergy-related, antihistamines may be useful for easing the itch and treating other symptoms. But unless you've got strep throat, which can only be determined with a strep test, you won't benefit from antibiotics.
quicklist: 12category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Dry Skinurl: text: What Causes It
Hot weather, cold weather, dry air, sun, harsh soaps—all of these things and more can dry out your skin. Dry skin may also occur when your thyroid gland is working sluggishly, a condition known as hypothyroidism.
What to Do
If your dry skin is caused by environmental factors, using plenty of moisturizer and showering in lukewarm water (rather than hot) will make a big difference.
See your doctor for help with dry skin that persists. He or she may be able to prescribe ointments that will solve the problem, and can determine if the dryness is due to an underlying medical condition.
The Simple Secret to Great Sleep
quicklist: 13category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Bloatingurl: text: What Causes It
This uncomfortable feeling of fullness in your tummy occurs when excess gas gets trapped in your stomach and intestines. Bloating can be triggered by a variety of factors, ranging from eating too much at one sitting to medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.
What to Do
"Exercise might be the last thing on your mind when your stomach hurts, but a brisk 10- or 15-minute walk can do wonders," Dr. Raj says. "If you don't exercise, your intestines become sluggish, which can lead to cramping and constipation."
Dr. Raj also suggests applying gentle pressure in a circular motion to a spot four finger-widths above your navel, for five minutes. This acupressure technique can ease stress and calm belly woes.
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quicklist: 14category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Pimplesurl: text: What Causes Them
Pimples occur when excess oil in the skin blocks a pore and dead cells, dirt, and bacteria build up inside. Teens are especially prone to acne, due to hormonal changes, but pimples can strike at any age.
What to Do
If you try to pop a pimple the wrong way you're liable to end up with a scar. To remove one properly, cover it with a hot, wet towel for about three minutes. Then, wrap your fingers in a tissue and gently squeeze the pimple from either side until the fluid runs clear. If it's a blackhead and doesn't come out easily, stop and try again later.
Dermatologists can treat more serious cases of acne with topical medications, oral antibiotics, and even laser therapy.
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quicklist: 15category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Teeth stainsurl: text: What Causes Them
Beverages such as red wine, coffee, and dark soda can do a number on your pearly whites.
What to Do
Toothpastes with special chemicals or polishes and store-bought whitening products may lighten your teeth a shade or two, but for more effective treatments, ask your dentist about stronger, in-office procedures. You can also try this natural approach to teeth brightening: Crush a strawberry to a pulp and mix it with baking soda until blended. Use a soft toothbrush to spread the mixture onto your teeth, and leave on for five minutes before brushing it off. (Just be sure not to do this more than once a week, as too much acid from the fruit can damage your teeth's enamel.)
quicklist: 16category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Hangoversurl: text: What Causes Them
"Alcohol is a toxin, and if you drink too much, your body has to work overtime to metabolize that toxin," says Dr. Steven Lamm, house doctor on ABC's The View. "The short answer here is that it's not about the cure, it's about prevention."
What to Do
Still, refuelling with lots of water, fruit juice, and healthy foods can help undo some of the damage. Bananas and pretzels, for example, can replenish sodium and potassium and boost your blood sugar. For a quick fix, pop an ibuprofen; it can relieve headache pain and reduce swelling caused by alcohol's inflammatory effects.
quicklist: 17category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Bad Breathurl: text: What Causes It
Halitosis—a.k.a. stinky breath—comes from certain gasses released from your body or by bacteria, either in your mouth or your sinuses.
What to Do
Treating the underlying cause, such as a sinus infection or a digestion issue, may be the fastest way to fix the problem. But if your bad breath is persistent, talk to your dentist to rule out gum disease, plaque, or gingivitis. Brushing and flossing your teeth daily can keep harmful bacteria at bay, and avoiding foods with potent odors (such as garlic, onions, and coffee) may help as well.
Fight Cellulite Fast with Yoga
quicklist: 18category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Celluliteurl: text: What Causes It
"Cottage cheese thighs," happens when the skin covering your butt and thighs loses firmness, allowing underlying fat to push through toward the surface.
What to Do
There's no magic cure, but there are ways to reduce its appearance, with exercises targeting your glutes, hamstrings, and thighs. "Skin-firming" creams and lotions, which claim to smooth by stimulating circulation, may reduce cellulite's appearance temporarily. If you're willing to pay for more permanent results, laser technologies performed by dermatologists or plastic surgeons could improve the look long term.
8 Factors that Could Be Keeping You Awake at Night
quicklist: 19category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Insomniaurl: text: What Causes It
Tossing and turning often occurs when we don't properly prepare our bodies for sleep, Dr. Lamm says. "We go from high-intensity stimulation of the brain—running around outside, watching TV, being on the computer—and expect ourselves to just flow smoothly to sleep," he says. "That doesn't happen."
What to Do
Give yourself time before bed to mentally unwind. If that doesn't help, ask yourself if you can pinpoint the reason for your sleeplessness. Is it digestion issues? Stress? A new schedule? Once you address the underlying cause, your sleep may improve on its own; if not, talk to your doctor about sleep medications or behavioral therapy to get you back on track.
quicklist: 20category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Bat Wingsurl: text: What Causes Them
Upper arms that lack muscular definition are likely to be flabby, Dr. Lamm says, and women—who don't build muscle as easily as men—are especially susceptible.
What to Do
To tone up fast, get yourself a pair of 5- to 8-pound dumbbells and focus three days a week on exercises that target both the biceps and triceps. The Dolphin, an easy, no-equipment-needed yoga posture, can help banish bat wings as well.
quicklist: 21category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Hot Flashesurl: text: What Causes Them
Hormone fluctuations common in menopausal and older-middle-aged women cause these drastic increases in body temperature.
What to Do
A small 2008 study found that women who practiced yoga with breathing exercises and meditation five days a week had 50 percent fewer hot flashes and night sweats than those who simply stretched. You also may consider adding soy milk, tofu, or edamame (which contain estrogen-like compounds) to your diet. Supplements, such as black cohosh, may reduce symptoms as well, but few have solid evidence supporting their effects.
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quicklist: 22category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Bags Under Eyesurl: text: What Causes Them
Because the skin under your eyes is so thin, the underlying blood vessels can be more obvious. When these blood vessels become inflamed (from stress, crying, or not enough sleep), it shows on your face as dark or puffy areas under your eyes.
What to Do
To restrict blood vessels, use an eye cream with caffeine. To cover up damage that's already done, try a creamy concealer that's one shade lighter than your own skin tone; match it to the inside of your arm, which tends to be the lightest skin on your body.
quicklist: 23category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Heartburnurl: text: What Causes It
The searing pain in your chest known as heartburn occurs when stomach acid flows the wrong way back up the esophagus.
What to Do
To prevent it from happening in the future, avoid overeating; identify and avoid "trigger" foods, such as caffeine, chocolate, and anything spicy; and cut back on alcohol, which can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing acid to flow back up.
When heartburn does strike, a nonprescription antacid or proton pump inhibitor may provide relief—but talk to your doctor if it's a frequent problem.
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quicklist: 24category: Annoying Body Problemstitle: Muffin Topurl: text: What Causes It
That chub spilling over your jeans isn't just unsightly—it's unhealthy too. "Fat around your belly can be a reflection of fat in your gut and in your liver, and that's when you start seeing people at an increased risk for diabetes and heart disease," says Dr. Lamm.
What to Do
Whittling your middle is the same as losing weight anywhere else, Dr. Lamm says: Eat less, watch your carb intake, and try to get 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise at least four days a week. For extra help toning your tummy, try ab-targeting yoga moves such as Boat Pose, Plank, and Reclined Staff.