A look at what will be served when South Korean President Moon Jae-in meets Kim Jong Un

Cold buckwheat noodles from Pyongyang's famous restaurant will be served.

April 24, 2018, 4:03 PM

SEOUL -- When South Korea's president meets with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Friday, they'll be dining on some of Korea's most famous dishes.

Cold buckwheat noodles from Pyongyang's famous restaurant, Okryugwan, will be served and its head chef will bring a noodle-making machine to the demilitarized zone, where it will be delivered to the House of Peace building, the location of the historic summit.

South Korea's presidential office publicly released the menu for the multi-course meal, along with envy-inducing photos.

"We have sincerely prepared (dishes) from the sea and land of South and North carrying all people's wishes towards peace," according to a statement posted on the office's Facebook page.

Here's a glimpse of what dishes will be prepared:

- Cold octopus appetizer from Tongyeong, a port at the southern tip of South Korea. It is the hometown of a famous composer, Yun I-sang, who is beloved by all Koreans.

A rosti, a traditional Swiss potato fritter, which will be served at the dinner of the upcoming inter-Korean summit.
South Korean presidential Blue House via AFP/Getty Images

- Swiss rosti with a Korean twist, in tribute to Kim's early school years spent in Switzerland.

Dumplings made of seafood from Shinan, hometown of late South Korean president Kim Dae-jung, which will be served at the dinner of the upcoming inter-Korean summit.
South Korean presidential Blue House via AFP/Getty Images

- Pyeonsu dumpling made of croaker and sea cucumber from the hometown of former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung who met with Kim Jong Un's father, Kim Jong Il, for the first historic summit in 2000.

- Grilled dalgogi from President Jae-in Moon's hometown, Busan.

Roasted Korean beef is one of the dishes which will be served at the dinner of the upcoming inter-Korean summit.
South Korean presidential Blue House via AFP/Getty Images

- Barbecued beef from a famous ranch in Seosan, in the western province. The founder of Hyundai gave hundreds of cows from this ranch to North Korea in the 1990s.

Bibimbap, a traditional dish featuring various vegetables mixed with rice, which will be served at the dinner of the upcoming inter-Korean summit.
South Korean presidential Blue House via AFP/Getty Images

- Bibimbap made of vegetables grown inside the demilitarized zone and rice grown from former South Korean President Ro Moo-hyun's hometown in Bongha village. Ro had also met Kim's father in 2007 for the second inter-Korean summit.

A snapper steak and a catfish steak, which will be served at the dinner of the upcoming inter-Korean summit.
South Korean presidential Blue House via AFP/Getty Images

- Steamed red snapper and catfish, a common dish during feasts for Koreans. It is to symbolize similarities between the two Koreas, the president's office said.

PHOTO: A mango mousse cake decorated with a garnish in the shape of a unified Korean peninsula, which will be served at the dinner of the upcoming inter-Korean summit. The wooden bowl will be broken by a hammer to symbolize the start of reconciliation.
A mango mousse cake decorated with a garnish in the shape of a unified Korean peninsula, which will be served at the dinner of the upcoming inter-Korean summit. The cake is in a wooden bowl, a symbol of Cold War confrontation, which will be broken by a hammer to symbolize the start of reconciliation.
South Korean presidential Blue House via AFP/Getty Images

- Mango mousse dessert decorated to convey the wishes of reunification.

North Korea's mushroom tea and South Korea's tangerine cake, which will be served at the dinner of the upcoming inter-Korean summit.
South Korean presidential Blue House via AFP/Getty Images

- Pine mushroom tea from the Baekdu Mountains in the far north of North Korea and citrus cake from the island of Jeju in the far south of South Korea. It represents the "the mood of peace transferring down from the North's Baekdu Mountain to the end of Jeju," the president's office said.

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