Taliban Uses Child to Justify Campaign of Violence

Alleged son of Pakistani Taliban leader shown in video.

ByABC News
January 2, 2015, 4:19 PM
The Pakistani Taliban releases video of child describing terror group's rationale for violence.
The Pakistani Taliban releases video of child describing terror group's rationale for violence.

— -- Two weeks after allegedly murdering over 130 school children, the Pakistani Taliban released a video online in which the purported child of a Taliban leader explains the terrorist group’s current campaign of violence.

“Regarding our battle today with the tyrants, which include the Pakistani government and its apostate army, I will clarify for you their reality,” says the child, according to a translation of the video by the SITE Intelligence Group. “It is an American army and it has no zeal or morals. Those bastards, hypocrites, polytheists and agents of the Jews and the Christians, those thieves, highway robbers and drunkards… Our war will continue with them until the war meets its end.”

The young speaker of the video, who appears to be resting his hand on the barrel of a rifle, is identified the son of Tehrik-e-Taliban (TTP) leader Mullah Fazlullah, according to SITE. SITE said the video was distributed via the Twitter feed of a jihadi media group Dec. 31.

The new footage was released just days after the Pakistani Taliban took responsibility for a brutal attack on a Pakistani military-run school that killed 132 children and nine staff members – an attack so heinous it was condemned even by the Afghan Taliban.

“Killing innocent children is against the principles of [the] Afghan Taliban and we condemned [it],” Afghan Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid said in a statement distributed to the media following the assault.

President Obama said the attack “once again” showed the Taliban’s “depravity.”

A Pakistani woman weeps as she waits at a hospital, where victims of a Taliban attack are being treated in Peshawar, Pakistan, Dec. 16, 2014.