Woman Who 'Freaked Out' After Meeting Doppelganger Meets 2nd One in Italy

"I couldn't stop staring at her face," Niamh Geaney said.

June 11, 2015, 1:53 PM
Ireland native Niamh Geaney is pictured here with her second doppelganger, Luisa Guizzardi from Italy.
Ireland native Niamh Geaney is pictured here with her second doppelganger, Luisa Guizzardi from Italy.
Twin Strangers

— -- Niamh Geaney, who said she "freaked out" when she met a doppelganger for the first time a few months ago, recently just met with another "twin stranger" in Genoa, Italy.

Though Geaney's first doppelganger, Karen Branigan, who lives in Ireland as does Geaney, was more similar to Geaney in looks than personality, Geaney's second doppelganger, Luisa Guizzardi, looks and acts just like Geaney, she said.

"I met with her friend of 24 years before meeting her, and he said Luisa and I had the same presence and aura," Geaney told ABC News today. "And when I finally met her in person, it was crazy. She'd scrunch her nose the same way as me, play with her hair the same way, shrug her shoulders the same way and even talk with her hands similarly."

Guizzardi, 27, got in touch with Geaney, who's also 27, after Guizzardi's friend showed her a video of Geaney meeting her first doppelganger, Geaney said.

"From there, I was just kind of like, 'Hey, what do you think about me flying over there?' and she was super excited about it, so it was easy to set up," Geaney said.

She added that she wanted to get a sense of what Guizzardi was like before meeting her, so she met with Guizzardi's friends and family at various places Guizzardi would frequent in Genoa.

Ireland native Niamh Geaney is pictured here with her second doppelganger, Luisa Guizzardi from Italy.

Guizzardi's mom actually thought Geaney was her daughter from a distance, she told Geaney.

When the two finally came face-to-face last Friday, Geaney said she couldn't stop staring at Guizzardi's face.

"The first time around, seeing another girl with my face was a new sensation, but it was so strange for it to happen to me again," she said. "But it was how similar she acted that was the craziest thing about her."

The two also put on makeup, contacts and styled their hair and clothes the same way to see just how closely they could look like each other, Geaney said.

The "twins" are going to be keeping in touch, Geneay added, saying that Guizzardi, like her first doppelganger, is now a "friend for life."

Ireland native Niamh Geaney is pictured here with her first doppelganger, Karen Branigan.

Twin Strangers, Geaney's site that helps connect people around the world with their doppelgangers, has also expanded.

"We have almost 50,000 users and rising," she said. "We want to help other people to also have that creepy, amazing experience of meeting their lookalikes. And for people we feel are really close matches, we're going to offer to pay for their flights and accommodations, so they can meet in person, too."