23-Pound, 95-Year-Old Lobster Becomes Local NY Celebrity
They call him Claws, not Jaws.

— -- Lobsterman Stephen Jordan got quite the surprise in his morning shellfish shipment this past Tuesday morning. A 23-pound surprise, to be exact.
“One of our fishermen sent it down and said, ‘Oh, you gotta look, I have a surprise in one of the crates,” Jordan, owner of Jordan Lobster Farms in Long Island, New York, told ABC News. “We opened it up and were like, ‘Holy Jesus!’ We haven’t seen one for ten to fifteen years that big.”
The 23-pounder was caught in the Bay of Fundy in Canada and at that weight, Jordan estimates it to be 95 years old.
“Everyone here is calling him Claws instead of Jaws. One claw must weigh 14 pounds,” he said.
He’s become so popular, in fact, that Jordan decided he couldn’t sell Claws to be eaten, so he’s donating him to the Long Island Aquarium to live out the rest of his life in peace.
“They’ll take good care of him. He was a little stressed out yesterday,” Jordan said. “It was a lot of action, so we have him in his own apartment in the back and we’ve been feeding him well. We’ll give him another day to recover."