Alabama quadruplets graduate high school together

A set of quadruplets are prepped to graduate high school together in Alabama.

ByABC News
May 25, 2017, 12:31 PM

— -- A set of quadruplets are prepped to graduate high school in Alabama, making their mother's dream for them come true.

Taylor, Tanner, Anniston and Thompson Payne -- known locally as the "Payne Quads" -- are actually the second set of quadruplets to graduate in Chilton County, Alabama. But they are the first in the county to graduate together, according to the school district.

The Payne Quads made news on Oct. 13, 1998 when they became the first set of quadruplets delivered at Brookwood Women's Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama.

Their mother, Christie Payne, said doctors told her the chances that she would carry all four babies to term were small. She prepared herself for the worst.

"First they saw one and then they saw two, then we started to get excited," Christie Payne told ABC-affiliate WBMA. "And then they saw three. Then, we became a little nervous. And by the time we saw the fourth one, we were really nervous."

Christie Payne and her husband Brian Payne said they rejoiced after all four babies were born and have celebrated their children's lives fully.

Taylor, Tanner, Anniston and Thompson Payne, known locally as the "Payne Quads", in their senior portrait in Alabama.

"Every single year, we each got our own cake," Tanner Payne told WBMA. "We've never done just a single birthday."

As high school graduation day approached, their father started to get nostalgic.

"I've always told them [on] graduation night, your bags are going to be on the carport," Brian Payne said. "But the closer I get, the more I worry."

"I just want them to know how much we love them, how hard we tried to get them here, and what miracles they really are," Christie Payne said. "And that they mean the world to us."

The Isabella High School graduation ceremony takes place at 7 p.m. central time today. Anniston and Thompson are going to college, while Tanner and Taylor plan to start working.