Dad Shocked by Paint Explosion All Over Kids and Their Bedroom

"It was like I got hit with a brick. I just stopped and froze," the dad said.

ByABC News
June 22, 2016, 3:53 PM

— -- When mom’s away, the kids will play.

Paul Schettini, of Port Saint Lucie, Florida, had no idea just how true that would be. Everything was going smoothly for the father of two while he was alone taking care of the kids —- until he noticed his son covered in paint.

“My wife was away at a teacher’s conference. She was set to come back the next day,” Schettini told ABC News of the calm before the storm. “Everything had been going well. The kids were watching a movie and playing while I was in the kitchen. My daughter asked if they could go play in her room.”

The unsuspecting father heard his children talking and giggling in the other room, which he said is generally a good sign that they’re behaving.

“If they’re quiet and you don’t hear anything, that’s when you go running because they’re definitely into something,” he explained.

Dad Shocked to Discover Kids’ Paint Explosion All Over Bedroom
Courtesy of Paul Schettini

A mere seven minutes later, Schettini got the surprise of a lifetime. Every inch of his daughter’s bedroom was suddenly covered in red and green paint.

“My son, who was previously clothed, was walking towards me in just a diaper and what looks to be war paint,” he recalled. “And behind him he’s leaving a trail of red and green footprints all over the floor. And I went, ‘Oh Lord.’ I followed him and the footsteps back and I figured they had gotten into a little bit of fingerpaint. I thought it couldn’t be that bad, but I turned into my daughter’s room and it was like I got hit with a brick. I just stopped and froze.”

He was speechless. The white wicker furniture, the floors, the walls, the doors, the bed and his own children looked like living pieces of art.

“My daughter walks around the corner and she now has just her underwear on and is pretty much covered in red paint and she’s wiping the red paint on her arms like it’s lotion,” said Schettini. “After I came out of the shock I was like, ‘Oh no, there goes the security deposit,' because we rent.”

Fortunately the children’s fingerpaint was washable, and with a little help from neighbor friends, he was able to get it all cleaned up before his wife was home.

“I was so shocked, but I never got mad. I just laughed,” he said. “It’s kids being kids. It’s a funny story.”

The hilarious video has more than 10,000 views after Schettini posted it to Facebook to share with friends.