Diamond Anniversary Ring Returned 3 Years After Losing it on Dog Walk

“I believe in miracles now, I really do," said Lisa Bailey.

ByABC News
January 13, 2016, 5:12 PM
Lisa Bailey from Stellarton, Canada was reunited with her anniversary ring after she lost it three years ago.
Lisa Bailey from Stellarton, Canada was reunited with her anniversary ring after she lost it three years ago.
Carol Dunn/The News

— -- Lisa Bailey will never wear her diamond ring on top of her wedding band again. If there’s one thing she’s learned from losing her ring three years ago, it’s that.

“You’ve got to wear it under. That way it can’t slip off,” Bailey, of Stellarton, Canada, told ABC News.

She was devastated when she realized her beautiful anniversary ring was missing after taking her dog for a long walk during the winter.

“I took my gloves off during the walk and didn’t notice anything until that evening,” she recalled. “We went back to look that night and couldn’t find anything. My husband kept going on a website where people sell jewelry, but nothing.”

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All that changed, however, thanks to a recent cryptic Facebook post written on their local police department’s page.

“A woman police officer happened to post, ‘If anybody knows of anybody who lost a diamond ring in Stellarton, please contact us,’” Bailey, a hairdresser, explained. “My clients were writing on it ‘Lisa Bailey, Lisa Bailey.’”

Woman's diamond anniversary ring returned three years after losing it walking the dog.
Courtesy Lisa Bailey

The police station just happened to be doing an audit and was going through the evidence room in a last-ditch effort to find the owners of valuable property. Apparently the ring had been in their possession, only about half a mile from Bailey’s house, almost the entire time it had been missing.

“I lost it during the end of April. That’s still our winter here,” said Bailey, 48. “It’s been in their possession since July of the same year, so it was probably found during the thaw out.”

A local pawn shop had turned the ring over to the Stellarton police after they came in contact with it under questionable circumstances. When Bailey learned from her clients that her ring might have been found, she couldn’t believe it.

“They [the police] called me and asked me to describe it,” she said. “But I thought, ‘It can’t be mine because mine is 3 years old. I sent a picture of it to them and they asked if I could come in the next day at 6pm. My wedding band fits together with it like a puzzle so there was no question.”

Lisa Bailey from Stellarton, Canada was reunited with her anniversary ring after she lost it three years ago.
Carol Dunn/The News

Now, three years later, Bailey is thrilled to have her anniversary ring home where it belongs.

“We got married really young,” she explained of her 1993 marriage. “When we got married I didn’t have my diamond and we didn’t have our honeymoon. So we went to Hawaii 10 years later in 2003 to finally take that trip. The ring was a surprise.”

Her husband had offered to replace the ring after it went missing, but “it wouldn’t be the same,” said a sentimental Bailey. “If it’s not my ring, it doesn’t matter.”That makes having her diamond, which she waited years to wear, that much more special.

And when she went to meet the police officer who had written the Facebook post, “I started to tear up,” said Bailey. “She’s just awesome. I really appreciated them taking the time to do this.

“You should never give up because miracles do happen,” she said. “I believe in miracles now, I really do.”