Divorcing Couples Snap Happy Selfies to Announce Their Break-Ups
The new trend documents the final, surprisingly happy, moments of their divorce.
— -- It’s the post-break-up phenomenon taking social by storm.
Divorcees are now ditching their marriage and instead saying ‘I do’ to “divorce selfies.” The new trend is finding the silver lining in splitting up, turning a heartbreaking situation into a fun photo opp.
“[It’s] A lighthearted way to announce your divorce in one shot and also let people know that they don’t have to feel awkward around you,” Elise Sole, senior writer for Yahoo Parenting, told ABC News.
Florida couple, Keith Hinson and Michelle Knight, were all smiles on their wedding day, but fast forward three years and they’re now happily divorced.
“The most amicable, easy-going divorce in history,” Keith explained.
The exes sealed the deal with a selfie right outside the courtroom.
“She just said, ‘Hey, you want to take a selfie?,’ kind of as a joke and I said, ‘Why not?,’” Keith added.
He shared the photo on Instagram with the caption, “Here’s to the most friendly, respectful and loving split imaginable.”
The response was overwhelmingly positive.
“We’re celebrating the fact that we can move forward,” said Keith.
But they’re not the only ones showing divorce can have a happy ending.
Canadian couple Shannon and Chris Neuman declared their 11-year marriage was officially over by snapping a selfie outside of a Calgary courthouse on Thursday.
“We kind of high-fived and did a silly selfie and went on our way,” Shannon explained.
In just a matter of days the candid photo went viral, being shared on Facebook a whopping 36,000 times and counting.
“It shocked me that other people were responding to it,” she said.
Shannon hopes her kids will appreciate it when they're older, too.
"I think that they'll recognize that we love them," she said. "We'll always work really hard to be-- this makes me cry-- to be their parents."
The new “divorce selfie” trend is helping prove divorce doesn’t have to be ugly.